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Quick thoughts on some 2014 boards


I’m around 70-75kg depending on how beery my weekends are haha and 6foot on the dot (183cm).

I ride a 154 and a 154w (forum’s wide so its only 5mm wider than standard) looks anorexic compared to my mates 155 nitro wide. I’ve only ridden in aus so far so hoping it will be okay for new zealand this year and possibly canada next year smile


For the 2014 line, I’ve ridden a bunch of Burtons: fishcuit, juice wagon and landlord, if anyone is interested

Gamblor - 25 April 2013 04:38 PM

For the 2014 line, I’ve ridden a bunch of Burtons: fishcuit, juice wagon and landlord, if anyone is interested

we’re always interested - give us the good guts!


In order of being ridden:
148 (? I forget) fishcuit. awesome. rips it on groomers and in chop. super fun, plus has a noboard pad built in so that when you get to an untracked pow run, you can just unstrap and stand behind the bindings. I suggest some sort of leash from your belt to the binding highback.
159 landlord - Burton’s new family tree super pow slayer - meh. Remember that I get lots of powder and have ridden loads of powder boards. I’ve got a specific idea of what I like, even though I am sure I would love 99% of the powder boards I’ve had, if they were the only boards I could have. the new freeride geometry was neat (making it ride like a twin) but I didn’t get much feedback from the deck. Even though it’s cambered it felt almost flat (but it wasn’t), giving it a real neutral feel. Very similar to the old malolo. If you liked that, get this. Burton is releasing the same board in a split version as a late release, so having a split and solid of the same board would be great.
Juice wagon 157 - awesome. I love the stiffness. So happy I have the 63 for big mountain and pow. Would consider the 57 for regular resort and park if I didn’t love the Root so much.


Hey Gamblor, your experience and knowledge/opinions on powder boards is mind boggling! How do you get to ride so many boards? Big bank acct or friends in the right places? Great reviews on pow sticks makes my next choice a tough one


ha ha, not quite mindboggling. Pow boards keep their value quite well, so if I find one I want to try at a good price used, I’ll grab it and ride it, and either keep it or flip it. This is known as gear-whoring.


Hey northern lights I have been riding the rome reverb rocker for the past year and its great. Nice and stable on the hard pack in aus and awesome In the deep niseko pow. I havent tried it in the park ss I have a rome artifact for that

ceej - 24 April 2013 03:29 PM

I’m around 70-75kg depending on how beery my weekends are haha and 6foot on the dot (183cm).

I ride a 154 and a 154w (forum’s wide so its only 5mm wider than standard) looks anorexic compared to my mates 155 nitro wide. I’ve only ridden in aus so far so hoping it will be okay for new zealand this year and possibly canada next year smile

I’m the same as you! Brothers from different mothers. I am a little heavier in the 80kg area and ride a 155 rocker. It’s a little unstable if I just go straight bounces a little on the nose but it’s a lot of fun any where else on the mountain. If I ride deeper snow I have a 158 low camber which isn’t that fun to ride but its very stable.

That Arbor - Draft looks so dope. Good environmental company.

Get a Fyve ! Well demo one and tell me how it goes smile smile



Well hello guys is that time of year again and I need some advise looking for a sick big mountain stick was going to go with the Furberg freestyle 162 with a reverse side cut out of Finland but they really raised there prices thinking due to shipping rates so I’m looking at stuff closer to home but I’m not sure.

Any suggestions? Never summer makes some sick boards no doubt about it but I don’t see the Proto as a big mountain stick I got enough all mountain boards not to mention I picked up a Prior AMF split for season but I need something for possibly a heli trip or 2 this season so think big mountain pow slashing

Venture maybe
Prior solid

Thanx guys


Never Summer has the Cobra, Premier F1, Summit, Heritage, and Raptor for big mountain riding depending how stiff you like your boards. I haven’t got the chance to demo many big mountain stick but here’s some you might want to look at.

Capita BSOD - directional, 5mm taper, flat tail-camber mid-rocker nose
Rossignol XV - evolution of the Experience
YES PYL - a few upgrades this year if you feel like upgrading yours
Burton Landlord - Terje’s board (Gamblor’s review above)


Hey Skip,

Greatly appreciate it man I’ll check it the BSOD always heard good things and Rossi. I’m happy with my PYL but not feeling the stiffness for big mountain bit to loose but pow tree runs and side country it rocks floats very well. As for Rossi is a beast alright and seeing Xavier D R haul a** on his always makes the board seem to much better when it comes to big mountain and hitting mach speed.

Thanx for the advice

I’ll pm you I know I’ll be heading to Washington this season depending on time I might held north and spend a few days in Whistler again prolly more for backcountry though


DC Devun Walsh!!!!! (My new Board)

Mizu Kuma - 03 October 2013 02:49 PM

DC Devun Walsh!!!!! (My new Board)

Damn talk about best bang for the buck I found a sick deal for this board last year’s model though at first look I wouldn’t think of this as a pow stick but with the stiffness being so far up there it’s looking good. Mirco camber hu? Interestinggggggg what bindings you running with it? Hows that camber profile compared to others? Like camrock or similar profiles?



@lester: Yeah but yours is the board before YES moved factory though so it has less camber and a bit softer (you’ve ridden mine before right? Felt totally different). I might be only in Vancouver till early December than I’m going back home to Indo for good =(.

If you think the XV too stiff maybe try looking at the Krypto as well? Also maybe take a look at the Salomon Sick Stick (Josh Dirksen rides this), I’ve written a short review about it somewhere.


Also take a look at Slash Straight.