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Federal Election 2013


Once again, the Labor party displays their utter contempt for taxpayers, in yet another example of self-serving lowlife scumbaggery. It defies rational belief that anyone would be gullible enough to vote for them!


Gillard can repeat her “Failure is not an option” LIE until she’s blue in the face, but it doesn’t change the fact that all the ALP have delivered is one massive FAIL after another.



LOL Loving that one




In yet another sign of extreme desperation, supporters of the Labor/Green alliance keep ignorantly bleating on about a lack of Liberal Party plans and policies at this stage (like it actually matters!) - completely ignorant of the fact that as the opposition, they have no obligation whatsoever to release this information on demand just to suit a bunch of whining leftards. They’re fully within their rights to release this information only when it suits them - and given past ALP performances, it makes a lot of sense. It’s perfectly natural for the Libs to hold their cards close to their chests - because the ALP have stolen so much from them in the past.

Gillard was the one who called the election so far out, and Gillard was the one who LIED when she said the ALP would get straight back to business, and leave the campaigning until closer to the election. There’s no obligation for the Libs to fully lock into campaign mode just because the ALP is - in fact, it looks like all the Libs really have to do is sit back and watch the Labor/Green alliance self restrict.

In lieu of anything of genuine substance, all the Labor/Green alliance appear to have in their arsenal is clutching at straws, and the perpetually pathetic character assassination of Tony Abbott. Typical.


LOL funny read cords smile


You’re right, Azz. The ridiculously high level of unwarranted, irrational, delusional praise Labor/Green alliance supporters have for their leaders and their (lack of) accomplishments is hilarious!!!

The level of leftardation is so abundant in some people (especially those who frequent universities and/or union meetings), they REALLY believe the Labor/Green alliance are doing a great job, but they’re simply not receiving the adulation they deserve!!!


I think that piece has some very real truths to it!!!!!!

Gillard has come up with the Cure for Cancer!!!!!

The Federal Election in September!!!!!




Lucky bloke i guess!