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Your Quiver — Post your ride here!

Gamblor - 27 April 2013 05:42 PM

I picked up a 148 spliff



Ended up picking the new Arbor Westmark 153. Now I have to wait till the season opens.

Northern Lights - 28 April 2013 03:42 PM

Ended up picking the new Arbor Westmark 153. Now I have to wait till the season opens.

You can still have some fun fitting up the bindings and getting a carpet jib going!


I have a feeling you will love that board, Nthn Lights!
Make sure you let us know when the season rolls around.

Mudhoney - 28 April 2013 04:35 PM
Northern Lights - 28 April 2013 03:42 PM

Ended up picking the new Arbor Westmark 153. Now I have to wait till the season opens.

You can still have some fun fitting up the bindings and getting a carpet jib going!

Only have floorboards :( ill hire out Carpet court or something.

cords - 28 April 2013 05:22 PM

I have a feeling you will love that board, Nthn Lights!
Make sure you let us know when the season rolls around.

Never ridden a rocker before so I am defs looking forward to it.


In Japan this year, I bought a K2 Turbo Dream 159.
Took me an afternoon at Dynaland to get used it it, adjust the set-up etc.
Awesome all mountain board, that handled knee deep pow perfectly.
Left it with the in-laws over there.
In Australia, I have an Option Custom 160, which is now about 4 years old.
Still in top shape and is perfect for everything. (I did use it in when I went to Asahikawa a few years back and was awesome in waste deep pop)


I’ve ridden a Burton Un-inc 159 for the past approx 4 years, so bought a new one this year, Rome Crossrocket. 154. should hopefully a good one! I’ll just have to wait and see! :D


Hi guys, total snowboarding noob here. My first board just arrived, a gnu riders choice 151.5. One quick Q, it has a sintered base, does this need waxing out of the box, or not for a bit? Thanks.

Andor - 21 May 2013 10:09 PM

Hi guys, total snowboarding noob here. My first board just arrived, a gnu riders choice 151.5. One quick Q, it has a sintered base, does this need waxing out of the box, or not for a bit? Thanks.

Andor generally when board leaves the factory they wax it for you, however most of us do wax the board even if its new.
Its really up to you if you want to wax it or not but as i said majority on here would wax the new board.



Yep, a lot of us are particular about our waxing therefore do it even on a new board.

But it will still ride fine if you dont. Just will prob need a wax after 2-3 days riding


Here’s a picture of my two boards!

Right is Burton Un-Inc, EST, Cartels, 159. I think it’d be the 2010 or 09 model.. guessing.

Left is the new quiver! Rome Crossrocket, ‘12, 154. Bought Cartels again, as the EST are non interchangeable..

The little slogan thing on the Crossrocket says: “Till the last chair stops, our time was never wasted”

The Un-Inc says “Justice.. or Just Us?”  Random info you may not know, All the white area is glow in the dark!! Top and Base.


though it was about time i did an update here, my current set up is the front one, 150 DC Ply Torstein model, Ride Rodeo Bindings and Nike Nic Muller Kajui Boots, rode the board and boots last season, cant wait to get on snow and see how the bindings go shaka 


Finally have all of my boards set up. No more binding changing for me!!!

1. K2 Vava Voom with Burton Escapade bindings - 143cm
2. Burton Gtwin with Scribe EST bindings - 154cm
3. Burton feelgood ES with Burton Escapade bindings - 150cm


Fresh Boardworld and Oi mate! sticker care of Jez [along with the hoodie and beanie smile both are awesome
Forum Republic Bindings - artwork designed by hardcore band THE BRONX

Boots are Rome something or others lol