The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive
Ahhhh noooo deano! That sucks the big one!
That really sucks mate!!!
I missed a job application by 15mins today instead of completing the application last night because I was called into work.
Worst part is that I wasted 3 weeks getting all the relevant material together for it!!!
Devo that this is a REAL 4th grade elementary school test (Greenville, South Carolina, USA), as is the mark on top:
Even sadder, is the fact that as abhorrent as this twisted form of christian education is, it’s STILL better than what kids are taught in some islamic schools.
It serves as yet another reminder to the bleeding-heart, snivel libertarian left-whingers to be careful what they wish for.
Devo that my horse went down in the horse float today while i was towing him by myself. Its scary enough to watch him go down and try to get himself back up again, but then unloading and having to wash off all the blood and clean him up is even worse. Very glad to say that under all the scary looking blood and muck his wounds are mostly superficial and will hopefully be all good in a couple of days.
Oh and he tried to buck me off today as well. Good thing theres been so much stoke of late!
Where can I get me one of those worksheets, Chucky?
...................... just kidding.
I’m devo that i think i might be turning into an alcoholic
I’m devo that i think i might be turning into an alcoholic
Might be?????
Embrace it!
Where can I get me one of those worksheets, Chucky?
That’s only half the test. i really want to know what the other questions were, but I can’t find the other half. When this first popped up on the internet, everyone thought it was fake - until the parent of one of the kids in the class verified that it was real. That kid will be going to a different school next year.
Embrace it!
I see similar miss-education in even our own country. But not nearly as bad as that.
It amazes me what people accept as education.
I guess the only right answer is that there is no truth, just opinion.
I recall getting a math question wrong in primary school;
“If person x has one apple and is given another apple, how many apples does x have?”
My answer; Between 3 and 1 and a half, it depends on how big the other apple is.
My teachers didn’t understand that at 10yo I could comprehend that things are measured by weight not per unit.
In year 8 science I was marked down because I argued Chlorophyll wasn’t green - it absorbed every other colour and green was what bounced away.
In year 10 I left a private school where I was graded in the top 5% of the state because they couldn’t cater for me to study art.
Qantas, Hoover, Holdens and the armed forces recognised my abilities after 6months of aptitude testing that grouped me at the top 2% world wide. But none could train me because I was colourblind (I fail a physical exam).
For my TER I scored below 10% while attending a public school, on my second try (the first time I failed).
Getting good grades is about providing the answer your teacher wants NOT being right. And never, ever, EVER think for yourself!
Or be healthy enough to pass a physical.
Devo that today is my last day of lifted riding for the season!
Devo.. That I came to work today to take my mind of something else.. (today is my dads bday.. He passed away suddenly a few years ago.. ) and I’m having the shittest day at work.. We are soooo busy (I’m having my one and only break right now.. A 25 min lunch and I’ve been here almost 7 hours already( usually we get an hour lunch and a half hour tea) I’m just not in the mood.. And thought work would distract me.. But its not.. Can’t wait to go home (already balled my eyes out on the way here.. And had to run to the locker room twice cos I was tearing up.. And I work in the department next to a really close friend of mine (known him.since I was 6) and he hugged me.. And that started me off too.. Damn my emotions!!