The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


Ask the person below you a question.


No. Although I bought Chuck Norris’ Total Gym through an infomercial.  LOL

Do you have an enemy?


Yes and his name is lad.

Have you ever been arrested, and if so what for?


No thank god! Don’t wanna lose my job!

Have you ever been asked to leave a club/pub/nightclub? If so what for?!


HAHA yeh the first night i ever went out when i was 18.. I was rejected into a club because of was off my face smile haha i just joined the queue again and 15 mins later got in somehow.

If you had one wish what would it be ? (and no not to wish for infinite wishes or anything like that haha.. its too obvious)


An infinite supply of funds, of course. They say that money can’t bring you happiness, but I’d sure as hell like at least the chance to try and prove them wrong!

Lime or Raspberry cordial?


Lime for me plz,

what is your fav type of music to listen to and who is your fav artist / band?


I like a wide variety of music, although I will give country & westerm, christian and hip hop music a wide berth…..
No one particular favourite but Fav artists include Depeche Mode, Pet Shop Boys, U2, Safri Duo, DIG, Metallica…..

How long have you gone without washing your clothes for?


10 days was the most, only because i was on a hiking adventure up in the Grampians. At home the most i’ve ever gone without washing a single thing was a 7 days.

What’s your most favourite food dish you like to eat?


Home made Spag bol yum yum!!!

Boardworld or Snow Watch???  hmmm


A juicy rib eye steak, marinated and cooked medium, with creamy mashed potatoes.

Do you ever watch chick flicks?


^ Answer the quiz rider!!!!!!!!!!

Warren Chapstick - 23 August 2010 03:25 AM

^ Answer the quiz rider!!!!!!!!!!

i think he was answering the question before you

Warren Chapstick - 23 August 2010 03:25 AM

^ Answer the quiz rider!!!!!!!!!!

Ahhhh you poached my question!  tongue wink

Love Snowatch but I’ll have to go Boardworld on this one.  grin

My question still stands…


ah yes, i have been forced to watch “how to lose a guy in 10 days” a million times.

Do you pick your nose in the car??? (honestly)


err….no *cough* ..............okay okay maybe i do… but really there are so many people who do am i right….am i right…??? hello??? ohh

have you ever seen a movie in the twilight saga?!?!? seriusly be truthful, did you like it?