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So i have been riding with a helmet for over 10 years

I have a Giro 9. Its a good helmet I know that.

But I am not sure what makes it “good”

So if I was on the look out for a new helmet what would I look for? Granted I am not going to be doing back flips off a jump anytime but it is highly likely I could hit a tree (its happened before - blood involved!)

For example I quite like the look of this - but worry it is more of a fashion helmet? (it feels like the price is giving that away LOL)


A good helmet is a helmet that fits your head properly!!!!!

ie when it’s on and done up, it should not move around when ya shake ya head with reasonable force!!!!! Most helmets these days come with extra foam inserts that allow greater adjustability too!!!!! (So keep that in mind when tryin them on)

It should also be certified for use in Snowsports!!!!! (As a minimum)

Ohhh, and take ya goggles with ya, in order to make sure that they fit properly!!!!!

* And although not a must, I reckon some form of peak not only looks better than one without, it also keeps out some of the snow from workin it’s way into ya goggles, along with guiding air into the top of them at the same time!!!!!


And 10 Years for a helmet is way too long!!!!!

Plastics change structure in relatively short periods of time, and therefore make a 10 year old helmet half effective of one that is brand new!!!!!

* There should be a manufactured date, time stamp somewhere inside the shell!!!!!


I know all about fit etc, googles and all of that.

But what make a good helmet a good helmet?

How do i know it is certified for board sports.

Why is that Roxy Helmet under $100 (Rhythm are selling it for under $50!)

Its rating must be low surely… but do I really need a $300 RED helmet?

Duly noted the helmet is “too old” downer (I honestly did not know that just thought that you couldn’t have a high impact or major crash with it, cause then you needed to replace it!)


I got a RED helmet for $100 and mainly checked for fit for head and goggles, has enough ventilation for my melon head and is rated for snow.

That’s all I really check with helmets..

I do find it funny some can cost almost double but what does it get you in the long run if they both meet the same ratings?

Mizu Kuma - 18 April 2013 03:10 PM

Ohhh, and take ya goggles with ya, in order to make sure that they fit properly!!!!!

To be honest I will find the helmet that looks good and fits well then will buy googles for it possibly at the same time!

Mizu Kuma - 18 April 2013 03:10 PM

* And although not a must, I reckon some form of peak not only looks better than one without, it also keeps out some of the snow from workin it’s way into ya goggles, along with guiding air into the top of them at the same time!!!!!

So the Roxy gets bonus points already!


Also Mizu

Again using that helmet as an example it is apparently (there is a reason for this because I still feel their is a conspiracy agaisnt females that we don’t need ‘techinical’ gear.

Class B EN1077/1078 and CPSC Certified

What exactly does this mean and would you let Mrs Mizu or one of your girls board wearing that helmet?

* also to note that I was not looking for a helmet when i found this i saw it whilst browsing the Roxy site and thought thats a cute helmet and its cheap, but i wonder if its ‘safe’

Wilmshurst - 18 April 2013 03:34 PM

and is rated for snow.

So how do I know that? Doesn’t seem to actually say ‘rated for snow’ on that Roxy one.

So does that mean its not or are those certifications I posted mean that it is?


Ill have another look at my helmet once I’m home. I’m sure it had a specific sticker at one point that said it only for impacts in non motorized snow sports and had the rating number blah blah blah..

I’ll let you know..




the helmet to end all helmets

comes in a girly pink too

ozgirl - 18 April 2013 03:39 PM

Also Mizu

Again using that helmet as an example it is apparently (there is a reason for this because I still feel their is a conspiracy agaisnt females that we don’t need ‘techinical’ gear.

Class B EN1077/1078 and CPSC Certified

What exactly does this mean and would you let Mrs Mizu or one of your girls board wearing that helmet?

* also to note that I was not looking for a helmet when i found this i saw it whilst browsing the Roxy site and thought thats a cute helmet and its cheap, but i wonder if its ‘safe’

That is the Certification Number that ya want!!!!!

Their helmets have that same Certification!!!!!

Kinda pointless wearin a non-certified helmet, and I would tell them that if it wasn’t!!!!!

But hey, they also wear High Heels, Makeup, and Spray Their Heads in Laquer on a daily basis!!!!!  hmmm


So Mizu if i go into Rhythm next Thursday and try on the above helmet and it fits me appropriately you give me permission to buy it? At a mere 49 clams?


Hey oz girl

upload a picture

This is the one in my helmet.


So similar rating not too sure about what the difference is..

ozgirl - 18 April 2013 04:42 PM

So Mizu if i go into Rhythm next Thursday and try on the above helmet and it fits me appropriately you give me permission to buy it? At a mere 49 clams?


But for my own personal taste, I’d cover up the ROXY on the side!!!!! (Don’t be hatin on me, ROXY Fans)

Get them to chuck in a Rhythm Sticker to do the job!!!!!  wink