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High Speed Rail

Poll: HSR for Australia
Total Votes: 10

What do you think, good, bad, unrealistic for Australia?


Will it compete with airfare prices? Thats what want to know!


I’d more than happily have my tax dollars spent on it. Bring it on, I say.


Railways in Australia have been talking about this for at least 30years.
Dad was the financial controller of city rail, I remember many frustrated grumblings about how they wouldn’t allow him to use funds to build Syd-Canberra hsr.

Tickets prices will be the same as airfares. If they go ahead it won’t be finished for 40years.
This project is for our grankids.


After usin the Japanese Rail System, I’m a major fan!!!!!

But yeah like Spaz has said, we’ll never see it in our lifetime!!!!!

We should’ve got this instead of the NBN!!!!!

I reckon it should run down the east coast though, and have smaller links to major towns along the way!!!!!

That way it’ll open up more options!!!!!



I think it would be great infrastructure for Australia.
Why it would take so long to build is beyond me.

Either way, 40 years time I will only be 80, so I will just be in my prime smirk

Azz - 12 April 2013 07:04 AM

I think it would be great infrastructure for Australia.
Why it would take so long to build is beyond me.

Either way, 40 years time I will only be 80, so I will just be in my prime smirk

without reading the doc, I think the idea with running down the hume way is to have where the growth corridors are in the future. Maybe


They should build one tomorrow for the Sydney to Melbourne trip, apparently thats one of the busiest air routes in the world, would free up some more space and potentially hold off the required building of a second airport.  I reckon they will end up removing the flight curfew before they build a second airport.


In 40y there may well be faster and more efficient ways to travel.

I say go ahead BUT ONLY if building it won’t interfere with current transport.


They’d be better off building an Autobahn like road from Brisbane to Melbourne with an exit ramp near Canberra.

Make it max speed 150 or something wink

High speed rail will cost more than it’s worth and Australia is too big to accomodate it.

Flights are cheap as chips, it seems pointless to catch a train (which will push up costs to travel on trains making it longer and more exxy than flying.)