The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


I want to give more prizes away! Contest ideas…


Let’s hear some ideas…  cool grin


Post up a photo that you’ve taken or had taken of you on the hill and give a short story as What happenned that day, who was there, where were you and why it’s your favourite photo and why no matter how many times you look at it after each time it still leaves you with a grin going from ear to ear. It could be a photo of you riding for the first time, first *insert trick here* photo, action shot from an exotic location etc etc etc

(quality of the photo doesn’t matter since it’s not the photography contest thread. Basically as long as those viewing it have an idea of what they’re looking at - if you need 2 photos for the story then throw up 2 but try not to post a 15 photo extravaganza)

End of the day it’s these small things that get me stoked every time for my next trip up the hill and act as motivation for me to want to keep riding as long as I can. Also acts as a great way for people to share some of their greatest memories from being on a board etc.


What about Boardworld give-e-bay

A reverse auction lowest unique bid wins! Or something along those lines, Runs for 5 days maybe alow two bids each and let the suspense begin


You could do trivia? On facebook or on here. Post a question, first correct answer wins. Easy for you to run, hopefully easy for more peeps to have a chance at winning. Would need to be done at random times of the day though, so different users get opportunities to answer question. Will also from a BW perspective have more people logging in more frequently looking for question.

Oh and of course a prize for anyone who’s idea you use tongue laugh


How about a scavenger hunt?

You come up with a list of say, 20 obscure items or photos, and people have to post them all. First person to post the complete list wins.

But you have to prove that you took the photos, say, by putting a piece of paper with written on it, so you know they took the photo.

The list can be really weird stuff like a tooth (out of the mouth), or just things like, a person at the snow with a blue helmet.


I like Tills idea, Mini Shred has a really loose tooth…........... heads off to find string and door cheese


Another idea is another photography contest but non snowboarding? Pick a topic each week for instance cars and photo of the week in that category wins.


Design a graphic for a Snowboard, Skateboard, or Surfboard.  True graphic design not just a photo laid across a deck.


most creative way to use a snowboard other than snowboarding


Thank you for all the suggestions! We will be announcing some new contests very soon…



yeah tills idea is the way to go


how about just giving me a prize because this video is so sick?


Give us a prize coz it’s my birthday lol


OMG! happy birthday Snowcrazy!!!! hope it was a CRAZY DAY!!! cheese

Mizu Kuma - 21 August 2010 05:50 AM

Happy BDay crazy!!!!! Darkclouds spoil ya????

Thanks guys grin yeh he sure did! Got a kitten! I named it rascal! Pics will be up soon in the pet thread!


nawww!!! i love cats!! ^^^ haha mizu