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the Devo thread!!

rider26 - 20 March 2013 02:20 AM
Mizu Kuma - 20 March 2013 02:15 AM


Suck it up Sweetie!!!!! LOL

I hear you. But the stop line is the first white line. Is that photo conclusive proof my front wheels crossed the line after it turned red? (that’s how a red light infringement is measured from everything I have read this morning).

Do you like my licence plate? smirk

Hahahaaa, I didn’t see the plate on my phone earlier!!!!!

On the line/red light thing!!!!! How else would they prove it?????

rider26 - 20 March 2013 02:41 AM

I’m over it. Just needed a little vent. I will take the 10 minites to ask for leniency. Whatever happens, happens.

Did ya stomp ya feet and wave ya hands around, when ya got it from the letterbox?????

Just explain to them that you’re “special”?????

That way we can all vouch for that if it does go to court!!!!!


OH, I am un-eagerly awaiting one of those myself Jez downer

Was in the city for my Uncles funeral last week, pretty sure I got done rage

In Lakes Entrance, town close to here, there is one set of lights, I have driven through red lights so many times. In winter time the place is dead, so no one waits for a green and treats it like an ordinary Tee intersection smile (unless the cops are around)


If that is the camera shot (minus the number plate) don’t go after it. ACT law is if the traffic light goes amber you are expected to stop, have not researched the specifics between this an NSW, but ALL tires are ahead of the bad line.  I got a mate that had same shot but only with his front tires ahead of same line.  he had stopped, and unfortunately rolled a bit without doing anything anyone but the camera would have noticd. MINIMAL. got screwed.


Yeah, pretty sure it’s the same here in New South Welshland too, dragon!!!!!


just saw the pic same corner where i got done coming back from you place.


The other problem is that if you stop over the line it’s also an infringement, a pedestrian could walk into your car then sue you.

This would be the only argument I think is viable; “If you had of attempted to stop, you would have stopped over the line and since you were going slowly (being aware of pedestrian traffic) the camera caught you across the line”.
If I really wanted to get out of it this is what I would argue.

But I would save arguing a driving infringement until your points are higher and it could cost you your license.
You really only get one “let off” every ten years.

rider26 - 20 March 2013 02:12 AM

Received a lovely $397 fine in the mail today (3 demerit points to go with it). Red light camera. I believe I went over the line while it was still amber, or it was so marginal that it can be conclusive. I have seen the photos and I am clearly over the line .6s after it turned red, but that’s not proof I was not over the stop line when it turned red. Going to appeal but I don’t like my chances. Pretty annoyed at myself and also the ridiculous amount of the fine. The photo below was taken .6 second after the light turned red (I was turning left). Should I even bother appealing?

* I know this was a poor decision and you’re probably right to say “just pay the fine.” Not looking for sympathy, just some appeal advice if you have any.

Just take this picture into court and tell them that this is not your number plate, so it couldn’t be you!!!!!




Went to bed at midnight, I woke up at 3am… Tried to get back to sleep for 2 hours and can’t so I came and jumped on the Internet. :(


I know that feeling.. Except 10 mins after you posted this I was on my way to work.. With a massive migrane :( slept from 7:30-11pm then 11:30-3:30, hoped on here for 30-40 mins.. Then went back to bed around 4.. Got up at 4:50am.. Hopefully leaving early today.. Because my head feels like it’s going to implode..

rider26 - 20 March 2013 02:12 AM

Received a lovely $397 fine in the mail today (3 demerit points to go with it). Red light camera. I believe I went over the line while it was still amber, or it was so marginal that it can be conclusive. I have seen the photos and I am clearly over the line .6s after it turned red, but that’s not proof I was not over the stop line when it turned red. Going to appeal but I don’t like my chances. Pretty annoyed at myself and also the ridiculous amount of the fine. The photo below was taken .6 second after the light turned red (I was turning left). Should I even bother appealing?

* I know this was a poor decision and you’re probably right to say “just pay the fine.” Not looking for sympathy, just some appeal advice if you have any.

if only there was another car right behind you in that photo, you could of said you did a risk assessment and found you werent able to stop safely withouot causing an accident.. ]=

but goodluck anyway


Welcome back Nyte. You got bored of buying shoes? lol

rider26 - 20 March 2013 02:12 AM

Received a lovely $397 fine in the mail today (3 demerit points to go with it). Red light camera. I believe I went over the line while it was still amber, or it was so marginal that it can be conclusive. I have seen the photos and I am clearly over the line .6s after it turned red, but that’s not proof I was not over the stop line when it turned red. Going to appeal but I don’t like my chances. Pretty annoyed at myself and also the ridiculous amount of the fine. The photo below was taken .6 second after the light turned red (I was turning left). Should I even bother appealing?

* I know this was a poor decision and you’re probably right to say “just pay the fine.” Not looking for sympathy, just some appeal advice if you have any.

Sorry mate but Hahahahaha sucker!! Xx


big surprise 400 buck plus 3 dermit points…. for 0.6 second delay on red…. Sorry Jez
Glad I’m Queenslander and just paid $146 plus one dermit point for speed cam just 10 kph over (90kph) in 80 zone bugger! oh oh