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PowderPak Parks - Indoor Snow Park Melbourne


No one else has posted this on BW yet, so I thought I would.

City Snow Events an PowderPak Oz have built a new indoor park in Melbourne. (It’s located in Dandenong, just around the corner from home for me!)

Their media release says it’s due to open early next month! ollie

This is the link to the official media release:

Here’s a shot of the park:

Can’t wait ‘til it’s open!

Edit: Video, for those that haven’t checked out the link.


I was excited waiting to hear where this was and now i find out its dandenong???? PFFFT, they couldnt have put it any further away from anywhere (other than koper) Why couldnt they put it closer to the city somewhere, its like that massive indoor skatepark, thats WAY out aswell. Oh well, i wont be going there as often as i was thinking i would now, orrrrrr maybe ill look into starting one on the west side!


is that pete long!?!?!?


They had one in southbank but it went under.

deanobruce - 25 March 2013 08:41 AM

They had one in southbank but it went under.

Yeah that one was using real snow though, would have been a nightmare trying to keep it cold enough in that big ass teepee looking thing.


ohhh yeh thats right!