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Banned Words!

chucky - 25 March 2013 07:08 AM
NBG - 25 March 2013 06:55 AM

I would like to propose my first ruling as BWPIMA that the following explanations and spelling of gay be utilised as per below henceforth from now until eternity.

Gay: Homosexual or lesbian
Ghey: stupid, lame.
Gaye: Joyous, happy etc.

Shouldn’t the original ‘owner’ keep the original spelling?

My thought process (which in my status as BWPIMA is not up for debate) was that the original word and attached meaning are quite old, the letter “e” was often a feature at the end of many words back in the day that have been subsequently dropped.  It is also a modern way of quaintisising (a new word of my own imagining I know but the English language has been crying out for this, as BWPIMA I am just using my power to effect change in a more immediate fashion) a word to invoke thoughts of a bygone era eg: Ye Olde Antiques Shoppe.

As a result of my brilliance I came up with the above and the world will one day thank me for it.

Mizu Kuma - 25 March 2013 07:10 AM
NBG - 25 March 2013 06:58 AM
Mizu Kuma - 25 March 2013 05:37 AM

Yeah, it’s mainly about the use of violence with a cricket bat!!!!!

Au contraire Mizu, a cricket bat is far too civilised for my tastes unless it’s covered in razor blades and salt, that would be a start!

Oh of course El Presidente!!!!!

The standard cricket bat is only for instructional video material, incase there’s any litigation further on down the track!!!!!

Your lack of foresight in this area is concerning Mizu, litigious society shall be a thing of the past once I have come to power, justice shall be dispensed by a judicial system where the ability to win or be right is at the sole discretion of ones ability to make a larger donation to the NBG Fund For The Future of Mankind than the opposition.  Neither party is allowed to discuss the details of the size of their donation, they each put up what they think will be more than the other, it is revealed at the end of the proceedings and the winner gets to shoot the loser and take all their stuff, pretty neat eh?

Will put an end to profiteering lawyers and flagrantly stupid lawsuits you think?

NBG - 25 March 2013 07:15 AM

My thought process (which in my status as BWPIMA is not up for debate) was that the original word and attached meaning are quite old, the letter “e” was often a feature at the end of many words back in the day that have been subsequently dropped.  It is also a modern way of quaintisising (a new word of my own imagining I know but the English language has been crying out for this, as BWPIMA I am just using my power to effect change in a more immediate fashion) a word to invoke thoughts of a bygone era eg: Ye Olde Antiques Shoppe.

I like your reasoning, but not the implication of the implementation.

The implication that one group has the right to not only take a word as their own, but also to force the original ‘owners’ to change to suit them, is hardly what I’d call in the best interests of ‘equality’.


I understand your concern perfectly however the original owners are all dead, until I start being haunted by ghosts demanding I acquiesce to their demands to restore the original spelling and meaning of gaye to gay I think in this case I’m happy to Conroy the shit out of this one.


Well, at least the hypocrisy is consistent with Conroy et al.


I guess the word gay was hijacked long before my time so for ease of use and without frightening the youngins for whom change to the status quo is a frightening and incomprehensible beast I would prefer to leave it as is lest I hear something along the following lines

WTF, that is so ghey that you called gay gaye and now you want to change gaye back to gay you gheylord.

NBG - 25 March 2013 07:42 AM

I guess the word gay was hijacked long before my time so for ease of use and without frightening the youngins for whom change to the status quo is a frightening and incomprehensible beast I would prefer to leave it as is lest I hear something along the following lines

WTF, that is so ghey that you called gay gaye and now you want to change gaye back to gay you gheylord.

It’s definitely a gheye area!!!!!

Edit: Gai Area!!!!!


It’s looking more and more like I nailed it with my first comment in this thread.


Ha! hahahaha LOL

I started reading this thread then saw chucky post and I was like yeah chucky’s back! then was like hang on chucky has most of the posts on the page so was then like 3 pages! I’m not going to read 3 pages of chucky’s argument! so was like you know, I’ll skip to the last page and chucky is still like waffling on.

I was missing you mate, nice fist post comeback -I cheered-


You’re missing out on some quality BS Spaz by skipping through, it’s been most entertaining!


Always is entertaining.