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Federal Leadership Ballot at 4:30pm today!

rider26 - 21 March 2013 05:31 AM
TJswish - 21 March 2013 05:03 AM
rider26 - 21 March 2013 04:48 AM

I hope this is the last we see of Julia.

Wouldn’t mind them getting someone non-retarded for Tony as well.

I always thought Malcolm Turnbull would have been a good leader for Liberal.

* Worth noting I know very little about politics.

Yeah I would be okay with Malcolm…


Yeah I’ve always admired Turnbull’s leadership skills, ideals etc. I usually swing to the left when it comes to politics but I would be happy to have Turnbull lead the country.

Azz - 21 March 2013 05:33 AM
rider26 - 21 March 2013 05:31 AM
TJswish - 21 March 2013 05:03 AM
rider26 - 21 March 2013 04:48 AM

I hope this is the last we see of Julia.

Wouldn’t mind them getting someone non-retarded for Tony as well.

I always thought Malcolm Turnbull would have been a good leader for Liberal.

* Worth noting I know very little about politics.

Joe Hockey seems like an ok bloke as well smile

Hockey is my local member. I’d prefer he didn’t lol.


LOL WUT!? Julia Gillard was the only person to nominate for Labor leadership! What was the point of that??


so much for preemptive Julia Gillard obit packages haha.


What a bunch of time wastin idiots!!!!!

Dead set, if this Labor Gov’t gets back into power again, I’m gonna go live in Iraq!!!!!

And the only reason that some women hate Tony Abbott, is from the bullshit that Gillard and her Team of Idiots spun up!!!!! Has anyone heard his wife and daughters publicly speak????? They’re doin alright if they were raised by the hands of a Chauvinistic Bully!!!!!

He comes across as a bit of a Wank, but tell me what Pollie doesn’t?????

Better a Wank that knows how to run a Country, than a Bunch of Freaks that can’t even run a Sideshow properly, I reckon!!!!!



It looked to me like Federal Labor powerbrokers are playing the long con - and today went precisely as scripted.

Mizu Kuma - 21 March 2013 06:30 AM

What a bunch of time wastin idiots!!!!!

Dead set, if this Labor Gov’t gets back into power again, I’m gonna go live in Iraq!!!!!

And the only reason that some women hate Tony Abbott, is from the bullshit that Gillard and her Team of Idiots spun up!!!!! Has anyone heard his wife and daughters publicly speak????? They’re doin alright if they were raised by the hands of a Chauvinistic Bully!!!!!

He comes across as a bit of a Wank, but tell me what Pollie doesn’t?????

Better a Wank that knows how to run a Country, than a Bunch of Freaks that can’t even run a Sideshow properly, I reckon!!!!!


Hated Abbott before Julia was in power!

chucky - 21 March 2013 06:44 AM

It looked to me like Federal Labor powerbrokers are playing the long con - and today went precisely as scripted.

I agree!!!!!

All it was, was a show put on to the public to say “Look how stable we are, we all back our Leader”, “Look at moy, look at moy”!!!!!

I just hope that we Aussies aren’t that stupid to fall for it any longer!!!!!


I second Oz, it definitely wasn’t Julia’s misogyny speech that started my hatred for Abbott. I disagree with pretty much everything he stands for.

EDIT: and how can you know he knows how to run the country when he hardly ever puts up any valid solutions to issues raised in parliament all he ever does is disagree with what ever labor mps have to say.

ozgirl - 21 March 2013 06:50 AM
Mizu Kuma - 21 March 2013 06:30 AM

What a bunch of time wastin idiots!!!!!

Dead set, if this Labor Gov’t gets back into power again, I’m gonna go live in Iraq!!!!!

And the only reason that some women hate Tony Abbott, is from the bullshit that Gillard and her Team of Idiots spun up!!!!! Has anyone heard his wife and daughters publicly speak????? They’re doin alright if they were raised by the hands of a Chauvinistic Bully!!!!!

He comes across as a bit of a Wank, but tell me what Pollie doesn’t?????

Better a Wank that knows how to run a Country, than a Bunch of Freaks that can’t even run a Sideshow properly, I reckon!!!!!


Hated Abbott before Julia was in power!


Something he did, or just the general vibe that’s out there about him?????

Just asking, cause I can’t remember anything bad that he’s done!!!!!

AshStix - 21 March 2013 07:02 AM

I second Oz, it definitely wasn’t Julia’s misogyny speech that started my hatred for Abbott. I disagree with pretty much everything he stands for.

EDIT: and how can you know he knows how to run the country when he hardly ever puts up any valid solutions to issues raised in parliament all he ever does is disagree with what ever labor mps have to say.

Against a Liberal Govt, or against Tony?????

I’ll ask the same question, why/what reasons?????

Mizu Kuma - 21 March 2013 07:00 AM
chucky - 21 March 2013 06:44 AM

It looked to me like Federal Labor powerbrokers are playing the long con - and today went precisely as scripted.

I agree!!!!!

All it was, was a show put on to the public to say “Look how stable we are, we all back our Leader”, “Look at moy, look at moy”!!!!!

I just hope that we Aussies aren’t that stupid to fall for it any longer!!!!!

It’s potentially a longer con than that. . .

If I was in charge of marketing the Federal Labor Party, I would have played it out pretty much to the highly contrived script they used today. Here’s how I’d do it:

• Announce an election date ridiculously early - done.

• Have Gillard promise at the time that the party’s focus would still be on governing the country, not electioneering - done.

• Break that promise almost instantly, and embark on Australia’s longest ever election campaign - done.

• Tease the Australian public yet again with the possibility of a leadership spill - done.

• Have Rudd refuse to challenge - done.

• Focus the majority of media attention on Rudd’s refusal to challenge, fooling the Australian public into thinking he actually has integrity - done.

• Have Rudd specifically outline to the media (and therefore the Australian public) exactly how he will eventually take over the leadership - done.

• Have the Federal Labor Party fall into further disarray in the eyes of the Australian public - in process.

The timing is crucial for this next phase, and it’s still way too soon. It needs to be done much closer to the actual election date, ensuring the focus of Australia’s gullible lowest common denominator just prior to the election isn’t actually on the stuff that REALLY matters.

• Ensure Gillard has no choice but to voluntarily step down - to come.

• Set Rudd up as the ‘saviour’ of the Federal Labor Party prior to the election - to come.

• Translate this delusional sentiment, through careful manipulation of the media (and therefore the Australian public), into portraying Rudd as the “saviour” of the country - to come.

• Perpetually focus on Rudd as “saviour”, diverting attention away from the many valid reasons he was ousted in the first place - to come.

• Also use this ruse to divert attention away from the disastrous mess Labor is making of the country - and the fact that no matter who is in charge of the Federal Labor Party, it’s STILL the Federal Labor Party - to come.

• Primarily focus on personality, not policy, right up to the election - securing many votes from Australia’s gullible lowest common denominator, who ignorantly vote like they’re choosing the winner of a TV reality show - done, done, done, and much more to come.

It’s possibly the only chance they’ve got.

Mizu Kuma - 21 March 2013 07:02 AM
ozgirl - 21 March 2013 06:50 AM
Mizu Kuma - 21 March 2013 06:30 AM

What a bunch of time wastin idiots!!!!!

Dead set, if this Labor Gov’t gets back into power again, I’m gonna go live in Iraq!!!!!

And the only reason that some women hate Tony Abbott, is from the bullshit that Gillard and her Team of Idiots spun up!!!!! Has anyone heard his wife and daughters publicly speak????? They’re doin alright if they were raised by the hands of a Chauvinistic Bully!!!!!

He comes across as a bit of a Wank, but tell me what Pollie doesn’t?????

Better a Wank that knows how to run a Country, than a Bunch of Freaks that can’t even run a Sideshow properly, I reckon!!!!!


Hated Abbott before Julia was in power!


Something he did, or just the general vibe that’s out there about him?????

Just asking, cause I can’t remember anything bad that he’s done!!!!!

He is a tool right and proper!! Um being against abortion is one thing. And he says that himself oh and aganist gay marriage even though his sister is gay.

I wont go on.

I am dead set against TONY. Not Liberal govt. I am def a swing voter and have voted Liberal before.

I will NEVER NEVER vote liberal whilst Tony is in power.

But as I said before it is all null and void for me as Sydney is a safe labor seat.

I am genuinely considering getting my name marked off on election day and walking straight out.

I don’t want to give my vote to either (yes i know there are other parties… but why bother…)

chucky - 21 March 2013 07:17 AM

• Primarily focus on personality, not policy, right up to the election - securing many votes from Australia’s gullible lowest common denominator, who ignorantly vote like they’re choosing the winner of a TV reality show - done, done, done, and much more to come.
