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Boardworld’s first Grandpa !!!!!

Mizu Kuma - 18 March 2013 11:04 PM
rider26 - 18 March 2013 11:00 PM

(I almost had to change my first poopoo nappy on the weekend)  ohh

Is ya Mum still changin you?????

Michelle should maybe have you professionally toilet trained before the wedding?????

LOL We were babysitting Gerry on Sunday arvo and night. He was a bit stinky and hadn’t pooped all day, so I was going to change his nappy before putting him to sleep. Totally expecting to see a dirty nappy, I was happy to discover he only peed. I still changed the nappy but I guess it wasn’t the full experience haha. He chose a good day not to poo! Phew!


Congrats that’s awesome news!

rider26 - 18 March 2013 11:18 PM
Mizu Kuma - 18 March 2013 11:04 PM
rider26 - 18 March 2013 11:00 PM

(I almost had to change my first poopoo nappy on the weekend)  ohh

Is ya Mum still changin you?????

Michelle should maybe have you professionally toilet trained before the wedding?????

LOL We were babysitting Gerry on Sunday arvo and night. He was a bit stinky and hadn’t pooped all day, so I was going to change his nappy before putting him to sleep. Totally expecting to see a dirty nappy, I was happy to discover he only peed. I still changed the nappy but I guess it wasn’t the full experience haha. He chose a good day not to poo! Phew!

i am sticking with mizu story, seems more to the truth then ur story rider.


well done on your virile sperm allowing the sire of said sperm to have fertile eggs that can produce another sire.


Wooop!! Stoked for you all mate smile Super cute photo and love the name !!

Enjoy this amazing time of life   grin


You will be amazed at how little your own baby’s poop and spew put you off.. It’s really weird… But someone else’s baby.. that’s a whole different story!!!  sick


Hey that’s great, congrats to Baby Miz and yourself Miz.  shred

trentradpants - 19 March 2013 12:10 AM

well done on your virile sperm allowing the sire of said sperm to have fertile eggs that can produce another sire.

LOL I can always count on Radpants to crack me up.


Wow, great news for all involved.
Mizu is now promoted from BWdad to BWpops!


I am really loving that Baby Mizu had a baby!

ozgirl - 19 March 2013 01:22 AM

I am really loving that Baby Mizu had a baby!

hahah yeah - Baby Squared?


Thanks guys!!!!!

I feel all warm inside!!!!!

Although I do hope it’s none of my virility that trent mentioned, in my boxers that’s made me feel that way!!!!!  ohh

All clear, it must be you guys!!!!!  shaka


Ohhhhhh congratulations Grandpa Mizu! That’s awesome news - pass on love to baby miz and the rest of the family! X


Congrats dude… and Baby Mizu smile


Congrats mizu and family… she is super adorable!! smile


Thanks guys!!!!!  cool smile