The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


Ask the person below you a question.


fo fo fo fo fo no i don’t thank you!!!!!

Why not rice bubbles or coco pop’s??? (Mizu)


How many snowboards have you had in total?? and how many of them have you broke??


haha none downer  ......and none

what do you think of crime shows??


Crime shows are interesting, I like them, but I dont really watch many of them. I dont even have a TV actually.

What luxury items are there that you see as a standard for others (texting or smart phones, ipad etc.) that you dont have, or dont care to have at all.


i fricken LOVE an aero bars!!!
how often do you drink alchole


I actually rarely drink alcohol nowadays - don’t like the taste plus if I drink alcohol it puts me to sleep!

who do you think will win the AFL and NRL this year?


Gut feeling says Gillard….

Who’s the hottest Australian politician?

Mizu Kuma - 17 August 2010 11:15 AM

I had to read that answer twice then kort!!!

At first glance I thought you said “When I get a Butt Feeling I call out GILLARD”

hehehe I think I am going to be ill smile


haha Ruddy!!! lol jokes, none there all ugly-ish

whats your favorite name


I tend to use d!ckhead quite a bit…

Why don’t McDonald’s sell hot dogs?


I am guessing their “test markets” have given it the thumbs down?

Is there going to be a housing price crash in Australia like USA, Ireland, etc?


For your sake, I really hope not. I wonder if the media in the is telling the truth when they call it a “global recession” but I think they do that to make us think we are not the only ones.

What I dont understand is…...

Why is China’s economy doing so well at this time?


eeeheh its called “selective” concern smile

No frills credit cards with no annual fees OR rewards based credit cards with high annual fees?


I was late, and got behind on the order here)
a Credit card with no frills and no fees.
Those “Favors they do you, arent favors, they are just ways to get more money from you.

As for the environmenal question…
Cause deep down we dont really care, if it means that something will be inconvenient to us.
Like the newer “Green” bag for potato chips that is noisy… well it’s biodegradable, sure but people arent buying it because it’s loud… whatever.

Why do different countries have different wall plug attachments, for electrical sockets?


I don’t have a cup or mug that I would call “my own”. I do have a nice water bottle and I think it would more be weird than anything else if somebody else started using it…

Whatever happened to peoples sense of humour, can they no longer laugh at themselves? And why does political correctness reign supreme?
(mental note - no more JOKES about women belonging in the kitchen)