The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


I’m stil alive!!!


Hey y’all!

Remember me?  LOL

I haven’t been able to get online here for a week or two, cause I don’t have net access at work any more, and my computer at home has more viruses than Paris Hilton at the moment, so I’ve taken that offline.  tongue laugh

Should be fixed during the week, when I can be bothered.

What have I missed?



Did you get your prize?


No prob Mizu! wink

Tills, did you get yours?


Got mine Jeremy! Been meaning to drop you a line to say thanks, but as I said, I’ve been offline most of the week.

Thanks for the jacket and the shirt mate, they fit sweet! I’m yet to give the DVD a run, but I’ll chuck it on during the week for sure.

Tills - 15 August 2010 02:36 AM

Hey y’all!

Remember me?  LOL

I haven’t been able to get online here for a week or two, cause I don’t have net access at work any more, and my computer at home has more viruses than Paris Hilton at the moment, so I’ve taken that offline.  tongue laugh

Should be fixed during the week, when I can be bothered.

What have I missed?

Hmmm I wonder what websites u have been downloading ?


Please dont….  LOL


Tills, welcome back.


Week in NZ was epic but I made it back with all my limbs still working so I will be more active again!


Welcome back TJ! Did you take any photos?



Most are on friend’s cameras and facebook so once I find a few good ones, I will upload smile

Pretty good video of me FKING myself up. and some cool ones over the hut at The Remarks could possibly go into the sohe comp. Wooo.

Most aren’t marvels in photography but portray a pretty epic week. I would totally recommend Haka Tours to anyone going to NZ and wanting to visit 6 of the best snow fields I have ever experienced.

More to come later.

Edit: There is still some room on their later tours if anyone is interested, I have a 10% off card which I would be more than happy to give you guys smile