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Packing Tips for Shred Trips!


oh man, world class resorts are oh so close to Buller…buller sucks haha


Ah well, I’m sure it’ll be fine for a beginner like me. Next time I’ll go somewhere different.


My new babies side by side

Libtech Antiguan and Burton Flight Deck

<img src =“” width =“500”>


So I have the bags at home and the trial pack has gone well!

My snow stuff fits in one side of the bag! And my boots fit in one side of the carry on!


I have a 3CS roller bag I manage to fit 2 boards, bindings and most gear for me and my wife in it for a week inc. boots.
She decided she needed more clothes so ended up traveling with a 23kg board bag and 23kg suitcase plus DaKine heli pro DLX backpack each.
Could’ve easily done it with only the board bag and backpacks so much unnecessary stuff..

Highly recommend 3CS bags seems to be holding up well.


Wooo hooo

Qantas are increasing baggage limits!!

But we still have to contend with this….

Total dimensions for each piece must not exceed 158cm (62in). Dimensions for checked baggage are calculated by adding together the width, height and depth of the piece of baggage.


Hahah Mr.h0z and I are experts at packing the car now.. 3 snow seasons in and usually 4-5 people in my car.. lol

First year we packed too much…  but still managed to fit it.. (we rented gear this year.. except for 2 of the boards.. (now we own our own gear and seem to pack less… lol)

<img src =“” width =“500”></img>

<img src =“” width =“500”></img>

<img src =“” width =“500”></img>

(we had to do some creative packing with the boards haha…)

the next year we put 4 in my car and layed a third of my back seat… to fit the boards through…

and when all else fails..just put them from window to window…. (we rented this from rhythm for mr.h0zs lil bros gf..and didn’t want to attempt to put it in the boot… so through the windows it went.. (from cooma to perisher..)

<img src =“"width =“500”></img>

but end of last season I invested in some roof racks and board clips… and can fit 4 boards in the clips.. and one board bag with 3-4 backs on the racks next to the clips..

so now we have heaps more space in the car and in the boot..

(I tend to pack then unpack all the excess… but I do like having spares.. (3 pairs socks, 2 pairs goggles, 3-4 beanies, and usually 3-4 under shirts and tights.. (that way im insulated.. and my snow clothes don’t get a dirty/smelly.. just my thinner under layer) ive lent out a few gloves, socks, belts even a jacket when needed..)


Haha HoZ thats crazy!!

This thread tends to lean more towards OS adventures.

Having a car packed like that is a luxury in this thread!


yeh I figured that, browsing through.. might come in handy next year.. mr.h0z and I are pretty keen for a japan trip smile


So you going to pack the car and drive to Japan shock


I probably would if I could… I do a yearly drive to qld.. and almost every 2nd weekend and a long stint to the snow all season.. ( although its looking like 3 longer trips - 2x 5-6 day trips and another 10-11 day trip.. then every 2nd weekend between that.. and I’m the only one who drive in my car.. (Mr.h0z has his L’s but with having to do the 80kph on the highways.. its some times not worth him driving.. I swap with him if I’m getting really tired and want to rest for an hour.. but I can’t sleep anyways as he “needs to be supervised” ( his had his L’s going on 10 years.. he just keeps renewing them.. never had a need for his own licence so never bothered just drives on his L’s ) but that means I still have to supervise.. but hopefully he is actually going for them this year..

( but it looks like we will be flying.. since there is no Sydney-Tokyo freeway.. and it would take um.. 5 days to drive? (14-15 hours a day?) lol


Wtf 10 years on Ls ur seriousness

lanox - 12 February 2013 11:52 AM

Wtf 10 years on Ls ur seriousness

Yep.. haha his been driving longer than I have and I have had my fills for going on 3 years.. lol! 

Got my L’s when I was 17 ( 2 weeks before my 18th for ID so when I turned 18 I could go out at midnight the night before.. lol)

Got my p’s at 21 before my L’s expired and I had to renew and go from 50 hours to 120 hours..

Now he has a reason for his licence.. ( helping me drive to the snow..) so hopefully he will go for them smile I’m really confident he will get them.. he is perfectly capable of driving..  ( wouldn’t let him in my new car if I didn’t trust him)