The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


come on surfing section

little bit from a lazy arvo at home in yallingup


hmm cant wait to start surfing again!!

havnt done it in about 2 years


man i live in perth, can’t wait to get down there for a surf soon. only just moved here, but last year spent a whole hour or two down there just watching the surf. nice sized, offshore and, wasn’t tubing but compared to east coast slop it was puuuuuuuurfect

no idea how to put pictures in this message without them bein’ f-off massive so here’s the link

Yallingup May 2009

oh and don’t knock the lack of zoom/quality/shutter speed… aww stuff it, they were taken on a very very old digi camera i am amazed it even still works thanks to the amount of salt water it’s copped