The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


Would you rather…


Snowboarding on a windy day!!

Paper cuts in between all your fingers (YEEOOWWCH!) or a broken finger?


rain check for me! I only buy stuff I really want - wasted so much $$ in my youth buying expensive crap grin

a runny, sticky poo where you wipe your ass so much your ass goes red-raw OR a really constipated poo which takes ages to expel (ie gets a bit ‘stuck’) but requires little to no wiping?


I was kind of nervous clicking into this thread when I saw kort was the last poster. Looks like my instincts were right…  LOL


Punch myself in the face.

Go skiing for a day whilst wearing a pink tutu, or go rollerblading for a day whilst wearing catwoman’s leather outfit?


ill go with the rollerblading plz haha, the girls will love it!! haha

would you rather live like a king in the stone age or live like a average person in the current age!!


aww you have a twisted mind mizu lol

im gonna have to go with no toilet paper, that way everyone will smell so it doesnt matter haha

would you rather have the internet or the telephone??


Internet! My phone bill barely reaches $10… Home phone that is!

Bourbon or scotch?


Kettle (love the Chilli flavour)!

Snowboarding for a day in just underpants (mid winter) or running a marathon wearing thermals and insulated outerwear (mid summer)?


Parking fine, cause I’ve had too many speeding fines.

be kicked by a kangaroo or a horse?



Go ten pin blowing with your High School Principal or have an alone dinner with Justin Beaver?????


bowling, omg i hate justin bieber!!!!

truth or dare?


i would go with truth!! i dont have anything to hide…... or do i???????

would you rather have all your snowboarding gear stolen or you car stolen???

easy question if you have a good car but for all the bums with a crappy car its a hard one lol


hmm… well i don’t really have a car, and all my boarding gear is a pair of pants, gloves, goggles and wrist guards so i think i’ll say the car that i don’t own

blackheads or pimples

rider26 - 06 August 2010 12:59 AM

I was kind of nervous clicking into this thread when I saw kort was the last poster. Looks like my instincts were right…  LOL

hehee you didnt actually answer the question though Jezz smile



beach or pools