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The STOKE thread

rider26 - 08 August 2010 04:08 AM
snowcrazy - 08 August 2010 02:25 AM

Stoked that mcdonalds actually served me at 2am when I ordered $80 worth of cheeseburgers!

There’s more to that story…  wink

Yeh it’s called a group of 6 hungry gridiron players! I had to take the bullet and make the order and cop all the odd stares from the drive through people! I did get the laugh though when the drive through guy was like “ahhh…. this is going to take longer then a normal order” LOL


Stoked I only have another 2 hours left at work :(


Stoked i only have 3 shifts left before i get to Thredbo!!!  smile


Stoked i made a better batch of virgin Scones than ‘Warren Chapstick’, and that is his signature dish!!! Sorry Warren had to let everyone know that you love making scones!!!


Stoked that I got a promotion today!!

I now get a pay rise, company car, phone, and laptop ect!

Yay for me!


Stoked for you Till’s


wow thats a crazy good stoked post tills, happy for you man and a new lappy ohhh yeah!!!!

got to see that not everyones hard work gets unnoticed not that i work hard smile


Cool one Tills!

My son turned one this weekend. Check the Mug Shots topic for pictures. He’s awesome.
I’m stoked about that.

My Mom’s in town, I’m stoked about that too.

It’s August and the US snowboard websites are showing the latest stuff, I’m stoked about that too.
I get to sit on the computer and day dream about riding all day…. not cooler than actually riding, of course, but better than nothing.


stoked to be a work using the bosses computer on a rain day!!


Stoked that I have the rest of the day to go boarding!!


stoked that we’re on what looks to be the final day of testing with this latest major release at work (4 and a half weeks of longer days, increased stress etc etc etc) I’ve just had enough and looking at everyone involved it appears we share the same feelings.


stoked im off for the snow in 4days with a wicked crew grin


stoked to be on that crew!!!!!!!!!


STOKED on my new Siege Audio Divions and Codecs…. both awesome! love the rasta color combo on the codecs and the white on the divisions. will post on siege thread shortly

STOKED to head to falls creek this weekend

STOKED i have an awesome group of kids for winter camp next week.

STOKED im going to be at buller for interschools for 7days. work covering all costs cheese


STOKED with my member of the month prize pack!

STOKED i’m off to the snow tomorrow after work!