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World Snowboard Day 2012 - Win 1 of 10 Prize Packs!

deanobruce - 07 January 2013 08:32 AM

I love snowboarding so much that i have spent close to $20,000 (that i can recall) on this lifestyle in the last 4 years.
It has contributed to the loss of my long term GF, caused me to bail on a major tender as it got in the way of my Tahoe trip and generally made me miss alot of work, family events, birthdays etc.

But i wouldnt change an effing thing!

There is my half arsed, typed whilst eating dinner and watching baywatch entry!


If you can sit through an episode of Baywatch, you deserve to win all 10 prize Packs!!!!!

* Unless ya had the TV on mute?????


No mute, and it was during a slo mo Pam Anderson running section


In summary snowboarding to me means freedom… complete and utter freedom!!

Standing ontop of a mountain covered in snow and not a care in the world, the biggest decisions ahead being which run to take and what to eat to keep you going all day!! no work, no dead lines, no stress… just pure relaxation and enjoyment!!

Its a 6-7 hour road trip with mates jammed into my car and pumping a mix of doof doof and old classics like queen, which we most likely end up singing along to!!

its living off maccas on the way there and back.. and probs the only time I eat the stuff..

its laughing at each other for trying stuff and eating sh*t doing so!

watching the videos back while eating dinner!!

its weekend trips (hopefully at least every 2nd weekend if we can manage)  working till 7pm.. in bed by 10pm.. sleeping 4 hours then up at 1 or 2am to leave at 3am to hit the slopes by 10am at the latest. boarding for 2 solid days then driving home at 4pm.. to get back by 11/12 at night and working at 7am the next day… so tired for the next week.. but worth every second of it!

and mostly its a life time of memories!!

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its fitting that one extra snowboard in.. now matter how you do it!!

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its watching the kms on the gps count down like waiting for the clock at work to let you go home..

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its grins like our mate on the left, that sum up how you feel when you first hop out of the car on your first trip down, for the season..

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and its a stunning view like this!!

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and when there is no snow its keeping a count down since the end of last season…



I’m disappointed to see only Mizu put any effort into his entry hmmm

Here is an excellent Haiku I have constructed:

White snow and winter
boardworld sticker in my hand
hello, resort sign


Hello to all winter lovers!

Winter means a lot to me. It is a great possibility to break my limits, my fears. Dare to risk, dare to feel, dare to do snowboarding and ride a powder!

Snowboarding connects me with friends, snow lovers (sniega bauditaji in Latvian) - it is unbreakable love for adventures, freedom and snow.

And a proof….
There is a little video from our last years adventures, hope you’ll enjoy it as much as we enjoy winter fun and snowboarding!

P.S. Sniegs = snow in Latvian, draugs = a friend in Latvian, rock n roll = you know smile


Mudhoney - 07 January 2013 10:59 AM

I’m disappointed to see only Mizu put any effort into his entry hmmm

Here is an excellent Haiku I have constructed:

White snow and winter
boardworld sticker in my hand
hello, resort sign

Hahaha LOL


Good one, Mud-san!!!!!  LOL

I’m glad someone else has had a go!!!!!


Over the past 9 years, my love for snowboarding and spending time in the mountains has come to define who I am. Having thought long and hard about it, I think there are five reasons which snowboarding means so much to me…

- Getting Stoked
You know life is good when you find yourself so stoked that you find yourself letting out an uncontrollable ‘YEEEOOOOWWWWW’. I don’t know anywhere else in life where this is such a common occurrence as snowboarding. This feeling of extreme stoke can come from an epic powder face shot, sending it off a cliff, stomping a new trick in the park or watching mates (or strangers) drop bangers.
After almost 60 days straight of riding all day everyday last summer in Japan and Tahoe, I remember feeling just as excited and keen to ride on the last day as the first. Snowboarding is just so much fun that I don’t think I’ll ever get sick of it!

- Progression
I think one of the strongest factors which draws me to snowboarding is the opportunity to challenge yourself and achieve your own goals. I remember feeling the exact same feeling of blissful satisfaction when I landed my first 180 off a tiny jump as I did landing my first 720 off a big one. Whatever level you are at with your snowboarding, I love that this feeling is always available if you set yourself goals and work hard to achieve them.
I vividly remember watching from the lift as a dude stomped the shit out of a front 3 off a big rock below the chairlift at Interceptor Chair at Perisher. Being a rookie at this stage, seeing such a trick unfold below me blew my mind and I let out the super loud holler which it deserved. Last year, having myself nailed the same trick off the same rock into a pow landing, I rode away with a smile on my face as a kid from the chairlift above let out the same ‘yeeeoooowwwww’ which I had 7 years before.

- Scaring Yourself
It’s not often in life that you go out of your way to scare yourself. In fact, I think most regular people go out of their way to avoid such a situation altogether. Whether it be a big cliff, a steep slope, a sketchy gap, a new feature or a new trick; there is nothing quite like overcoming the fear of a situation you have put yourself in and riding out safely with a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment.
Of course, sometimes it doesn’t work out. Over the years I have wrecked myself on many occasions while on a board, breaking or otherwise wrecking dozens of parts of my body (and have had plenty of mates who have done far worse!). As a snowboarder trying to push your own limits, I guess you just have to accept that injuries are sometimes part of the game. And besides, chicks dig scars!

- Mates
Over the years I have met so many amazing people up in the mountains and I am now at the point that the majority of mates ride. I thank that much of the appeal of the snow is that its just an awesome place to hand out with your mates – spending countless hours talking shit in the car on the way up and back, messing around on chairlifts, pushing each other on the hill, getting loose at the end of the day – there is nothing better!
In 2008, I was lucky enough to meet my amazing girlfriend at Uni Games up at Mt Buller. Since then, we have had countless super fun times together up at the snow (both in Australia and overseas). And I don’t hold it against her too much that she’s a skier raspberry
With the right crew of mates around you, I think it is completely possible to have just as much fun in the crappiest of Aussie seasons as it is in the most epic conditions OS.

- Travel
I have been lucky enough to make it overseas to find some Northern Hemi snow for the past 8 Aussie Summers. These trips have taken me all over the world including trips to Japan, USA, Canada, France, Italy and NZ. For the majority of the time I have been studying at Uni full time, but have always wanted to get overseas so badly that I have managed to work hard and come up with the cash to make the trip each year. Snowboarding has given me the motivation to make these trips happen – without it I think it would have been far too easy to take the lazy option and not travel as much.
Along the way, I have been able to visit many amazing places (not only ski resorts but lots of awesome nearby cities), eat amazing local food, make friends with amazing local people and ride plenty of epic days in some amazing resorts.
Getting up to the snow (whether in Australia or Overseas) is such a great way to get out into nature and see some beautiful sights – I think it’s good for the soul

While writing this, I have found myself reminiscing over so many amazing days spent up in the mountains. Doing so has made me wonder if there is any other way the last 8 years could have been so fulfilling, so fun and so memorable without snowboarding in my life. I really don’t think there could have been any other substitute.
Over the years I have been put together quite a few edits of the fun times we have had up at the snow. These get everyone stoked at the time, encourage everyone to push their limits on the hill and will surely be lots of fun to look back on in the future. Below, I have attached a few of my favorites which show just how much fun I have been lucky to have up in the mountains.
Happy World Snowboard Day!

2008 – Canada

2008 – Australia

2009 – Japan

2010 – Australia

2011 – USA

2012 – Japan

2012 – Australia

Mudhoney - 07 January 2013 10:59 AM

I’m disappointed to see only Mizu put any effort into his entry hmmm

Here is an excellent Haiku I have constructed:

White snow and winter
boardworld sticker in my hand
hello, resort sign

A haiku is about nature


^ It’s in Mud’s nature to write haiku.

chucky - 08 January 2013 01:05 PM

^ It’s in Mud’s nature to write haiku.



Snowboarding to me is an expression of my personality and allows me to portray what im feeling on the side of the mountain. Its that one time your free where it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks, as long as your going hard, large or just being plain out there and getting the feelings that you need in your life.

And yes that is green hair and not a wig.


For my family and I, snowboarding means fun, family times. It starts in June each year watching the annual Warren Miller snow film, followed with a trip down to Jindy on the long weekend, and finally a week in August. Would love to go more but unfortunately is quite expensive for a family of 4! Last season my 6 year old started snowboarding and was ripping down the hill by the end of the week, even making it onto the Todays show “Little Legends” segment and my 8 year old bought his own board which he was stoked about. Here are some pics from our last snow adventure. Cant wait to get down there this season, the countdown is on, Bring on season 2013!


Snowboarding to me is the BUZZ that ya get when ya know ya about to go for a slide!!!!!

From the moment ya pack ya bags, drive, fly, that first sight of snow, to the time ya strappin in at the bottom of ya first lift!!!!!

At the moment I’m off to Japan for an epic journey, and the mere sight of my bags that I have already packed, just straight up make me feel like a kid again!!!!!

This is what makes life just that much sweeter!!!!!


My brother was feeling very flat after his marriage broke up. A friend took him snowboarding and suddenly my brother is a new man. He loves the adrenaline rush and the freedom of leaving his office job behind and just having fun outdoors. He is now really looking forward to this year’s snow season to go snowboarding again. He has hinted (not very subtly) that he wants snowboarding gear for his birthday. I gave him a surfboard last year to enjoy summer, so this year he will get snowboarding gear to enjoy winter.  Then I will be the ‘best sister ever’ all year round.

So for me snowboarding is great because it gave my brother his groove back.