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Win 5 Snowboard Addiction DVDs and a bunch of stickers!


Snowboard Addiction produces the world’s best snowboarding tutorials. Covering everything from basic freestyle to advanced tutorials for spinning large rotations and getting inverted, Nev and the Snowboard Addiction team are dedicated to improving your riding fast and effectively.


Don’t forget to use the promo code boardworld to receive a 10% discount on any Snowboard Addiction products.


Intro to Freestyle DVD
Intermediate Freestyle DVD
Halfpipe and Handplants DVD
Buttery Stuff DVD
Riding Pow DVD
A giant Snowboard Addiction die-cut sticker
A bunch of other Snowboard Addiction stickers


Simply reply to this thread and tell us why you need the Snowboard Addiction program.

Bonus points for photos and/or videos.

You must reply to this thread for a valid entry.

This contest closes at 5:00pm on Friday, December 28th, 2012 (AEST)

The winner will be chosen by the coaches at Snowboard Addiction.

This contest is open to worldwide entries. Anyone can enter.


I need the DVD’s because my kids now go, faster, bigger and gnarlier than me downer

I would get a photo or video of them, but I can’t keep up downer


You can ride with me Old Man!!!!!

I got a set of these vids, but I’m not sharin either!!!!! So you’ll have to win them for yaself!!!!!


I need it because its supposed to snow big in missouri this year, and im gonna hit up the local hills!

Azz - 07 December 2012 03:32 AM

I need the DVD’s because my kids now go, faster, bigger and gnarlier than me downer

I would get a photo or video of them, but I can’t keep up downer

They sure do! LOL


Currently doing a season in Morzine, France and need to keep up with my crazy house mates!
About to go hike a mountain because our lifts are not open yet, Peace out!


Could use a few pointers to progress my snowboarding!:)


I need these because I’m addicted to snowboarding. love it!


It would be awesome to win some Snowboard Addiction DVD’s because I’m not going OS for NoHe Winter AND missing a whole Aus season next year… (Summer holidays… ugh. rolleyes haha) I need something to keep me in the game for when I get back on the slopes! I imagine I’ll have a bit of catching up to do when I get back, and some SA DVD’s would do the trick. They’ll also help with the withdrawal symptoms lol. LOL

Edit: Places I won’t be going this Winter… Sunshine Village, Canada.


Ok, so just at the end of this year I scraped enough money together to get my first snowboard which is a Burton Shawn White Collection surprised  anyway here are the reasons why I would love win this prize:

Firstly, to improve my skills with my new board
Secondly, I have been getting into the park at Hotham in past year and really do need some advice. ( I hope to attempt a backfilip next year and these DVD’s will certainly help!)
And Finally, I’m defiantly gonna need need something to help me get through year 12 next year!

<img src =“” width =“800”>

<img src =“” width =“800”>


I need the snowboard addiction program because I’ve become a decent snowboarder during the seasons but I can still only seem to swim in powder and not learning how to ride it so well.


i need these dvds do i can get off with a good headstart into snowboarding me and my friends have just started it and i want to beat them :D


last time this comp was on I pleaded with you all to help me get my head in the right spot as seen in the gangnam snow vid below.

I cannot even explain how badly I need these DVDs to improve my style.
It seems that to win this competition I’m gonna need a MONTAGE!

I know that the montage is a bit repetitive but this is exactly why I NEED to get these DVDs if anything this only proves my motivation to improve!
and if I win i promise to make my mate in the yellow pants buy a copy for himself! wink

flez24 - 08 December 2012 09:34 AM

Could use a few pointers to progress my snowboarding!:)

That’s pretty cool, flez!!!!!  shaka


I’ve probably averaged 7 days per season on snow since I started boarding a few years ago. Last season I didn’t even make it for a single day.  downer

When I do make it to the slopes I make sure I throw myself at them as hard as I possibly can to get everything I can out of the time I spend riding. That saying about only being able to find your limits by pushing yourself beyond them always rings in my head. I find the best way to improve my riding is to push it as far as I can.

Because of my limited time riding, I feel it’s probably just as important for me to improve my riding OFF the slopes, as it is to improve ON them. I try to visualise my riding as much as possible. I try to visualise my self hitting certain features or taking certain lines. I try my best to have a really good idea about what I’m going to do before I even get there.

I have no doubt at all that these DVD’s could help my riding greatly, and allow me to get the most out of the time I spend on the slopes.

Plus, I REALLY want to get to the shred in Twenty13, and I can be lagging behind all week!

Here’s an example of how far I still need to go.  LOL


This contest is now closed. We will be announcing the winner soon.