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Need some important advice!!!!

Poll: Should I take my BW hoodie away with me?
Total Votes: 11
YES - we will get Boxy to ban you if you don’t
NO - If you really can’t fit it in your luggage then don’t take it

Should I take my BW hoodie away with me?

I want to as it is supper comfy, but I am running out of room and fear I will be lugging something around that I wont wear that often.

I wont wear it riding as it doesn’t fit under any of my gear etc.

So it will be a lounging around kind of thing.


Haha, silly question mate wink Then again, I know what we females pack like! I’m worried about mine too!


There will be repercussions if you don’t…


I feel disloyal if I don’t but it would be a totally convenient item! Which doesn’t really mean much as I wont be able to wear it under my over coat…

Don’t even get me started on what to wear for NYE! I really don’t want to take more than 2 pairs of shoes.


Throw the skis in the bin, and take the hoodie!!!!!

There, I have decided!!!!!


You need to put another answer in the poll ;

“im glad im a guy and dont have to worry about this sort of s#*t”


Dylan how is this a male /female issue?

Mizu I am not taking the ski’s!!


Well you should have room for the hoodie then!!!!!

If not, you’ve got too much other unnecessary crap!!!!!

Mrs Mizu has earmarked her BW Hoodie for Japan!!!!! And if she can do it, anyone can!!!!!


But thats what I am trying to do - not take unnecesary stuff! Currently the bag weighs 17kgs! I am a bloody good packer. But the BW hoodie is taunting me! But i don’t see me wearing all that often to justify taking it!

Lets put it another way - you and Mizu share a bag for the weekend - cause your a gentleman you carry it the whole weekend. She takes to take the BW hoodie, but then she doesn’t wear it the whole trip?

I want to take it but don’t see me wearing it on the mountain… nor out of the house/accom as it is not warm enough on it’s own and doesn’t fit under my shell jacket.


You’ll wear it!!!!!

Once that Nthn Hemi weather kicks in, you’ll wish that you had it just to chuck on when in transit from one place to the next, when ya kickin back drinking beers with finney and the crew, when ya wanna show the rest of the world what a true Aussie chills out in!!!!!

Just take out that pink zip thru with the silver snowflake print on it, and replace it with the badge of honour!!!!!  rocker

Mizu Kuma - 18 December 2012 12:02 PM

Just take out that pink zip thru with the silver snowflake print on it,

What the?


In other news I have no less that 3 all countries to Aussie adaptors (why on earth would I need/use 3 at once???)

And not one aussie to all countries adaptors. So i have no way of charging my Sony camera.

And i can only find one padlock - and do you think that key was in the padlock….

Fun times!


Did ya only start to pack this arvo?????


geez can’t do anything right around here!

Yes Mizu only started seriously packing this afternoon!

there is still over 30hrs til my flight. When should i have started packing?


I pack my shit a week before I go!!!!! Sometimes even earlier!!!!! Hahahhaa!!!!!

Then I sit back with a cold beer, and watch Mrs Miz get herself into a tail spin just like you’ve got yaself into now!!!!! LOL


Actual I am just bored!

Tail spin will be tomorrow night - I am downloading and copying shit to the nexsus for entertainment on the plane!

I packed the snow gear a while ago. Just packing clothes I wear everyday etc, doing laundry etc

If you can totally finish your packing a week out you must have an impressive wardrobe of clothes!!