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Poll: Are you Jealous?????
Total Votes: 33
Yes, I hate the lot of you!!!!!
Yes, but I worship the ground that you shred on!!!!!
Nah, don’t give a shit!!!!!
Nah, I’m comin with yas!!!!!

Teggeh - 15 Days

Billy - 15 Days

DRC - 21 Days

Warren, fatima, Dolph - 41 Days

Mizu - 45 Days

Mr T Radpants - 46 Days

Humdinga - 61 Days

Tambo & Azz - 374 Days

TJ - 417 Days (till the Winter Olympics hopefully)

trentradpants - 16 December 2012 11:00 PM

so close i can smell the seicomart!


I am so fluffin’ excited!!!!!! shred


Fluff Yeah!!!!!

I’m so excited I could do this!!!!!


Yen’s going up! Go you good thing! (touch wood)

Billy - 17 December 2012 10:24 AM

Yen’s going up! Go you good thing! (touch wood)

what she said!

was mad last time i went ....spending like its 1 to 100
makes calculating everything so simple LOL


expect when someone tells you that (someone who is spending her husbands money…) and its not and you get a rude shock when you see your credit card statement big surprise


go aussie dollar go!! get to the 1-100 easy maths point!!


I rike it a rot!!!!!

It’s just a f*****in ***** that I have already fully paid for my trip!!!!!  rage


Haha I’m actually shocked at exactly how little I’ve had to pay upfront.

Paid for flights
Paid for Sumo Ticket
Buy rail pass upon arrival at airport
Buy lift tickets daily
Pay on arrival for Myoko accommodation
20% deposit for Nozawa accommodation
Pay on arrival for Tokyo accommodation
Found ~9000yen stashed in my cupboard from last trip!


I didn’t have to pay yet, but the last time I held off in payment, the dollar went from buyin 85jpy - 55jpy by the time I paid the balance!!!!!

I thought that it was gonna recover, but I was WRONG!!!!!

So this time I locked it all in at 82jpy, and look what happens!!!!! Faaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!  rage

At least I’ll be able to drink more beer, and eat more sushi!!!!!!  LOL

drc13 - 17 December 2012 11:56 PM

Haha I’m actually shocked at exactly how little I’ve had to pay upfront.

Buy rail pass upon arrival at airport

I am glad you know this! SO many people think you have to purchase the rail pass in Oz You can get the cheap rail pass by showing you passport in Tokyo.

ozgirl - 18 December 2012 12:13 AM
drc13 - 17 December 2012 11:56 PM

Haha I’m actually shocked at exactly how little I’ve had to pay upfront.

Buy rail pass upon arrival at airport

I am glad you know this! SO many people think you have to purchase the rail pass in Oz You can get the cheap rail pass by showing you passport in Tokyo.

I think that people get that impression off their website?????

*The pass doesn’t suit my needs, so I wont bother till I get there also!!!!!


How to obtain a JAPAN RAIL PASS
    A JAPAN RAIL PASS cannot be purchased inside Japan.
You must purchase an Exchange Order from an authorized sales office or agent (see “Where exchange orders are sold”) before you come to Japan.


Yeah it says you MUST pre purchase in your home country!

ozgirl - 18 December 2012 12:20 AM

Yeah it says you MUST pre purchase in your home country!

That wasn’t how I read your previous post, oz?????

ozgirl - 18 December 2012 12:13 AM
drc13 - 17 December 2012 11:56 PM

Haha I’m actually shocked at exactly how little I’ve had to pay upfront.

Buy rail pass upon arrival at airport

I am glad you know this! SO many people think you have to purchase the rail pass in Oz You can get the cheap rail pass by showing you passport in Tokyo.