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Next Thursday 20th Dec if fly from Sydney to Frankfurt (via a 5hr layover in Hong Kong)
I have a rail pass and so will be catching a train from Frankfurt to Schladming, Austria.
I then stay at my friends chalet until the 29th Dec.
There are 4 connected ski resorts surrounding Schladming
On the 29th I will then catch a train to stay with another friend in Stuttgart, Germany!
If anyone has any suggestions about what to see and do in Stuttgart besides Porsche I would love to hear it!
We are spending NYE at this bar “das 5.Element” in Ludwigsburg
On the 1st I will get a train to Frankfurt for my flight on the 2nd to San Fran. staying here
On the 2nd I fly on the A380 to San Francisco!!!
I am staying with a friend in San Jose for a few days and we are trying to organise a trip to Tahoe for the weekend. It will be the first time her kids will have been skiing so it will be fun! (the parents board you will be pleased to know!)
On Monday 7th I head up to Whistler (via Seattle) in time to celebrate Finney’s birthday!
ETA: just caught up with my friend on chat and seems that the kids and hubby may not be coming. I am sad and happy at the same time! No kids means we can party like we used to (i used to live with this friend when we worked together at Heavenly!!)
I am very jealous of your upcoming adventure, so I will be constantly reading your updates and pretend i’m there too
Make sure you do keep us updated with photos and stories etc. Can’t believe you leave so soon!
Are you all prepared?
Are you all prepared?
Haha NO!
I don’t feel organised at all which is why I occasionally have a mini freak out in my head!
i like the word Schladming.
I was at home alone so i decided to schladming myself when i heard a knock at the door…........
Sounds like somethin that Arnie would say!!!!!
“Eeef you dawn’t storp jumping on da couch, arrrm going to knock you all da vay to Schladming and baaaack”
You have no idea of the chaos that is going to unfold for my birthday….. And nothing will prepare you for it
Sounds good Oz!!
I wish I could be there for ur bday finney! Aus day is going to have to suffice
You have no idea of the chaos that is going to unfold for my birthday….. And nothing will prepare you for it
Am about to shell out for new flights cause I didn’t think you would appreciate me showing up at 8 or 9pm. The bus connections I had with my current flight were not good!
Sounds awesome Kim!
Oh that ski tunnel vid is crap not the one I thought it was.
Be here is something cool Swedish House Mafia at Official Schladming Opening weekend party last weekend
Sounds great, keep us posted!
How long you in whistler Oz??
6 nights!
Noice! They’ll fly!