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Boardworld Skater Progress Thread


Got a stationary one!!!!! so stoked, gonna go out after I finish writing this paper and get a rolling one on film.


Well done mate, such a frustrating trick to get nailed.


Well, not really progress but I took the new setup out for a cruise today, the weather was awesome. Almost looking forward to summer, never as much as winter though. LOL

It’s on 14mm risers with 65mm wheels, can get some really tight turns in, has an awesome floaty feel to it. Probably be skating parks again on my ‘real’ board most nights once daylight savings kicks in.

This is it, pretty sure I’ve posted it before.


Funky looking board there Koper. Looks like a similar setup to my transition/cruiser board.

I went to Narara park today.
I wasn’t trying anything new but it definitely felt like I made some progress.
Last time I skated there (ages ago) I couldn’t do any tricks at all at this park. This time I went back and I could suddenly do a bunch of lip tricks!
There is also a Vert ramp there now, so I tried that out for the first time. Also I dropped in on a quarter that I never would have before.

Man it was hot, but a good sesh smile


rocker yeeww andy! Good to hear your back on it


i managed to ride up my bfs street the other day.. a little shakey.. but getting there!! hahahahahaha!!! (mind you - i havent skated in about 10 years.. and swore i never would do it again.. after i stacked REALLY badly skinning both knees down a fairly large hill..) but since becoming a snow boarding junky.. i need my boarding hit over summer.. and mr.h0z cant learn to surf with me.. (due to major ear problems..)  so skating it was..  hoping to do a bit more in the coming weeks and be able to atleast cruise down the beach and get something to eat, etc.. or to cruise down and swim/ snorkle.. not sure i will try too many tricks.. but that might change once i get more confident.. (as has done with my snow boarding.. now hitting small jumps and trying 180s down the hill..


Nice hOz
Just cruising the footpath (imo) is one of the most fun things you can do on a skateboard. You’re not sweating bullets trying not to break yourself in the park, so you get to just cruise and enjoy the ride. I guess it’s kinda like freeriding in snowboarding.

Plus cruising is the basics of any kind of skating. Every time I go for a long cruise, when I get back into the park, I’ll find myself more confident and feeling natural on the board.


New trick today :D
It’s not worth recording and posting cause it’s still super small, but, I landed a Fakie Backside 180 cheese

Like I said, they are only small at the moment, but i’m definitely getting them all the way around while rolling, and I was doing about 3 or 4 in a row by the end of my little sesh. So I’m happy with that.

I was just practicing fakie ollies and I couldn’t stop them from turning a bit in the air.

So I though stuff it, go with it and try a Fakie back 1.
About an hour later I had it. I wish all tricks happen this easy.
Happy days!


That’s how my nollies are and my fakie ollies were. I fixed the fakie one by really pushing my tail forwards as I was rolling


Oh ok, thanks man I’ll give that a try.
Do you mean you push the tail towards the way you are rolling, as you snap the tail down?


Saw this thread and immediately subed. I’m trying my first no comply impossible today. I’ve got the hospital on speed dial.  LOL

Andy Aitken - 09 December 2012 10:24 AM

Oh ok, thanks man I’ll give that a try.
Do you mean you push the tail towards the way you are rolling, as you snap the tail down?

yeah, pushing the tail towards the direction of movement as you snap it down


@Marshall - Yeah go for it. And if you land one, make sure u post it up here. Or even if you don’t, I’m sure one of the skaters here could give u some tips.

@Punk - Ok, thanks man I’ll give it a try today. Although it’s raining like crazy so I might have to do a trip to an indoor park.


I landed the no comply impossible on the third try and had it filmed but I’m going to have to post it on my friends computer since all I have is a kindle. Loos.