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Snowboard Addiction - Balance Bar


This looks cool:
•Improve muscle memory, conditioning and jibbing
•All levels from beginner, intermediate and advanced
•Use indoors or outdoors with your own snowboard
•Easily transportable

The Snowboard Addiction Balance Bar with black spin top is designed to allow you to use your own snowboard with confidence to learn and practice handrail and funbox skills in a controlled environment. Helping to improve muscle memory, conditioning and flat out fun jibbing on when you are not able to make it to the mountains. Add the black spin top to increase difficulty and learn to spin better for all levels from beginner to intermediate and advanced snowboarders. This is a training aid that every snowboarder should have, you know you want one…

This snowboard balance bar with black spin top will allow you to use your own snowboard and includes:
•100% made in America
•Dimensions: 39.5” Long – 5” Tall – 8” Wide
•Easy to pick up and transport
•Weighs only 8LBS
•Radius corners for true handrail simulation
•Durable weatherproof and solar resistant materials
•Made with partially recycled materials
•Engineered to suite beginner to expert training
•The top spin device IS included in Black, made of 100% recycled materials

Use the promo code boardworld for a 10% discount.


yeah i saw this, think ill attempt to make my own out of things here at work!!!!


I love how some clever marketing can sell a piece of plastic for way more than it’s worth. Seems like a good/fun idea. But I’m with Trent, could easily make your own.


Sounds like a pretty sweet idea, and not too expensive for what it is. But yea its just a piece of plastic, use to do the same thing with a piece of pvc pipe cut in half.


hmmm pvc pipe cut in half

would it hold up?


yeh that shit is strong