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Win 1 of 4 etnies Marana Prize Packs

:O!! It’d be awesome if you guys could hook me up! I’m broke and I’ve resorted to shopping at Ross for the past couple of months to get my shoes so I’d love you guys if you sent a Marana prive pack my way!




can someone tell me how to put a picture in your post?


Why do I need a new pair of skate shoes?? Well lets see, i only have DC shoes to skate in, they both have holes in them that causes my socks to rip, and they weren’t really designed for actual “skating”. I believe that the Etnies Marana will be one of the top pro model shoes such as the G-Code and Koston 1’s. Also I need a pair because Ryan Sheckler himself said that these are perfect for jumping down stuff. And im working on nollie laser flips down 12 stairs, so these would be a big help.


I need this prize pack because I keep having to change my laces every few weeks and my shoes are dying on me slowly. Ryan Sheckler is one of my favorites skaters and I wish I could use what he does, especially with all the perks he described with his shoes. It would help me out a lot and I would be honored to sport his gear. Thank you for this opportunity!


i should get the etnies marana because
1. ive never had a pair of etnies
2.they look comfty
3. tired of my skate shoes ripping the first week
4. i cant afford new skate shoes everyweek.


I think I should win because I just broke my arm and when Im allowed to skate again it would be awesome to have some of these amazing looking shoes

ZackC - 04 December 2012 12:32 AM

can someone tell me how to put a picture in your post?

Instructions can be found here:


Here is a little rad dadness to woo you to hook me up.
P.S It’s my 30th Bday in 3 weeks also!!!


T94SYsX09rw&feature=plcp its on youtube you can check it on. thanks smile


I need a new pair of shoes. I live in a third world country and skateboarding is quite a challenge especially because we don’t have money. my griptape always eats my shoe and it is humiliating me when i go to school and everyone sees it ripped and when i see them laughing at my shoes, i just bow down and dream of any shoe. so please. i need a new pair of shoe. any shoe will do. thank you.


If the Etnies Marana are as durable and comfy as they say… I definitely need a pair! Good buy shoe goo and heel bruises!!! hahaha smile

<img src =“” width =“800”>


Just give me shoes!


My shoes have holes in them and I dont even own a camera or something to show you some footage of the shoes or me Skating. So please can I get the Pack smile


It’s blatantly obvious that the other members here don’t look after their shoes!!!!!

So my suggestion would be to make someone responsible, be allocated custodial duties of those fine kicks!!!!!

For example, someone like…........ Ohh I dunno…........ Me?????