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Drift Innovation Launches the Drift HD Ghost

ozgirl - 29 November 2012 05:48 AM
snowbum_spaz - 29 November 2012 05:02 AM

Have done since the day they joined facebook!


Meh when i clicked on the link I said only 2 of my friends liked the page… neither were you…

Maybe Spaz isn’t your friend?????


he better be michelle


Must be a facebook glitch. wink


DylanV - 12 November 2012 04:28 AM
snowbum_spaz - 12 November 2012 02:21 AM

Drift Ghost way trumps GP3silver.

its all good to throw specs around and say that cam a has more magic fairy dust than cam b, and cam b can eat more tacos in 10 minutes than cam a, but when it comes time to look at the footage, ill bet the gp2silver “trumps” the drift ghost

LOL I couldn’t help but laugh Dylan! So true! Mind you I haven’t really checked out the latest offerings from Drift and Gopro. But I have always found that with Gopro’s, the footage just looks that much better than whatever the current competition has, and isn’t that the most important thing?!


If that were the most important thing we would all use a very different camera indeed.

The most important thing is brand recognition and consumer confidence. Price plays a small factor.
To Dan’s or Dylan’s eyes GoPro footage looks better. But not to others and not necessarily at a technical level.

It surprises me that ease-of-use isn’t the most important thing or bang-for-buck.
After all if image quality was the deciding factor consumers would pay much more.

Deciding from a handfull of brands in this market is splitting hairs when it comes to quality. They mostly all use the same CMOS, the footage is going to be uploaded to YouTube anyway or at best watched on a 50” plasma screen (which isn’t big enough for 1080 - from a technical perspective).

I’m still waiting to see if Dylan will put his taco’s where his mouth is… wink


Go Pro may soon be attaining an Apple style level of fanboism shortly.  At the moment, Go Pro is to POV what Ipod was/is to MP3 players I guess.  Was in JB HiFi yesterday picking up some anti fog strips for my Sony when I came across a mother and son looking at POV cameras there, they found the Sony in the display case and then found the Gop Pro out in it’s own area, they were having some discussion about which one he wanted to get, I decided to lob my two cents in to “help.”

The gist of it was I had just got the Sony, I may have bought the Black edition if it had been out but there is nothing set in concrete that I knew of as to when it would come out so I got the camera that was specced best to my requirements at the time.  I mentioned the Silver was decent enough and Go Pro has a heap of mounts available off the shelf but regardless of what he got he would more than likely be happy with the footage as long as he picked up some anitfog strips if he was using it in the water or the snow.  I think judging by his mother they were going to make a price based decision after that.

snowbum_spaz - 29 November 2012 08:07 PM

The most important thing is brand recognition and consumer confidence. Price plays a small factor.

It surprises me that ease-of-use isn’t the most important thing or bang-for-buck.
After all if image quality was the deciding factor consumers would pay much more.

Mate I reckon price is a huge factor.  Presumably the other cams you are talking about with superior image quality are more expensive.  Most of the target market, including myself, regard these cams as either or both:
a) bit of a toy
b) highly discretionary when it comes to budget

You have to remember most people who use these things are not Travis Rice, they’re average punters with limited money. I do agree that most of them could get by with lesser cameras than the GP3 Black or top end Drift, because as you have pointed out, most of the footage just ends up on Youtube.  That’s where GoPro has done very well with their marketing.


If price was a factor people wouldn’t buy GoPro.

It is at the higher end of the scale… for all of the camera’s

ozgirl - 30 November 2012 01:46 AM

If price was a factor people wouldn’t buy GoPro.

It is at the higher end of the scale… for all of the camera’s

I reckon they’re all on about a par.  There are small differences in price, but not enough to put someone off once they’ve convinced themselves it is the one they want.


My comment that “price plays a small part” is not suggesting it is a small consideration but that it does play a part - only small in comparison to brand recognition/consumer confidence.

This is especially evident with gp3black given that pre-sales are far beyond expectation, numbers cannot be met and larger retail outlets will not be privy to being supplied this model.
Black was designed, built and priced as a marketing tool (this is what I have been told), they did not expect people to purchase Black, instead they expected customers to buy White or Silver because of brand loyalty, price and marketing.

The average consumer in this market does not have a recent history of purchasing quality, this has been my experience as long as the market has existed.
I feel the tide is turning and people like yourself; that want higher quality are willing to pay for it and/or wait until it’s available by your brand.

Loyalty, I fear may lead to expectations not being met.
Only time will tell - gp3black has only been available to select customers on the GoPro payroll.

I firmly believe DriftHD Ghost meets what consumers want, failing only that they need to turn GoPro loyalists.
Ghost has the highest picture quality, is priced to be competitive and the design takes the best aspects of all cameras of the past.
Drift is a company that has had a steady climb developing a top end product through professional feedback and approaching the market carefully.


Apple make a good product ? I buy Apple!!!!!

Subaru make good product ? I buy Subaru!!!!!

Flux make good product ? I buy Flux!!!!!

GoPro make good product ? I buy GoPro!!!!!

It’s really that simple!!!!!

I don’t really give a rats arse if it’s flavour of the month or not!!!!!

If they make shit products, I would no longer buy them!!!!!


As any well researched consumer will know - GoPro make a good product as do Drift.
This is a thread about DriftHD Ghost. Comparing it to a competitors product is going to happen.
Just as apple is compared to any number of PC’s, Subaru to Mitsubishi etc…

If price was the deciding factor before (but not excluding) quality most consumers would own DriftHD720 since it is below $200, shoots in HD, has a glass lens and most reseller will discount it since a higher profit margin is made than any other brand. It would not be unexpected to find DriftHD720 around $150.

GoPro is more alike Hoover or Kleenex - most people don’t even know other brands exist. It goes so far that I often receive comments;
“is that a GoPro?” or “I haven’t seen that GoPro model before” or “I love your GoPro footage”, when people see what I have.

Mudhoney - 29 November 2012 11:39 PM

Presumably the other cams you are talking about with superior image quality are more expensive.

Some are, most aren’t.

Brand recognition is the biggest influence to consumers and what products they buy.
Marketing doesn’t provide honest, accurate information. Once a brand has the market share they charge what they can.


Yeah, a comparison is fine, but writing a product off for “fanboi-ism” is just ridiculous!!!!!

People still call Body Boards “Boogie Boards”, but Morey aren’t the leader in the industry anymore, so it’s time that we all accept what is, is!!!!!

The whole puttin shit on stuff just because Apple, or Gopro make it, just isn’t constructive!!!!!

I honestly believe that it’s more a case of the “Haters Club” bein more prominent than any fabled “Fanboi Club”!!!!!

Enjoy whatever product that you so choose to buy and use!!!!!

I’ll leave it at that!!!!!


Just a request to keep this thread about the Drift Ghost. There’s another thread for the GoPro Hero 3 here:

Please keep content / discussion in this thread about Drift. Feel free to start a comparison thread if you wish.