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The funnist memory as a kid…?


i once thought i’d be cool and break a window! So i pick up a rock and launched it at the window, it bounced back of the window and hit me in the forehead cutting me open sick hahaha wasn’t funny at the time smile It didn’t break the window!!

Mizu Kuma - 31 July 2010 04:01 AM

Karma Eddie! Karma!!!!  LOL

I remember when I was about 6 years old, I was playin in the backyard with some Rusty Darts I had found in the garage. When along came my older sister, who was about 10 at the time. From out of no where came a ‘Damien’ ‘Beelzebub’ ‘Satan’ kinda moment, and I threatened if she crossed my forbidden land, that she will be attack by arrows!!!
She didn’t listen did she! So I fired off a WARNING shot that hit her in the side of the foot!!!!! big surprise She was runnin around the backyard screamin, with this rusty dart hangin out the side of her hoof!
We all laugh about it now (maybe not my sister so much) but at the time I remember boltin off behind the shrubs in the garden to escape the TIRADE of the parents, before they took her to casualty to get a Tetanus Shot!!!

So maybe one day I’m gonna get an Arrow in the side of my foot Eddie????? Luckily it hasn’t happened yet though!!

haha nice! Its one of those things you mean to do but once it happens you feel bad and didn’t really mean for it to happen!


When I was 9 my parents left my sister and I at home as we were just getting over chicken pox, whilst they went to visit my uncle a few minutes away. We were given specific instructions not to answer the door if anyone rang.  After a while the doorbell rang and we ignored it. I was downstairs watching the cricket (Australia v. Pakistan test) and I saw a figure run past the side of our house. About a minute later, I heard wha sounded like someone trying to kick the absolute sh1t out pf our back door. My sister ran down the stairs saying “I think someone is trying to break in, we should go next door via the front door!”.

I replied very casually “Yeah I think so too, but let me just watch one more over”. About 4-5 times, my sister is telling me we have to go, and my reply was always “just give me one more over”? I must have really focussed on the game!!

In the end the guy actually managed to smash backdoor in. He ran in, only to see me just lying on the couch STILL watching the cricket! His eye opened wider then anyones I have seen and he bolted out the door he just smashed in! At that stage, I jumped off the couch, went to the now very damaged back door (so much for lockwood dead bolts!) and shouted upstairs to my sister “Sh1t there was a burglar in the house!” - I ws a bit slow that day….and very lucky he wasn’t armed and crazy.

We then went next door to our elderly neighbours who took us in and waited for my parents to come home. The police were then called. I remember they came and asked me what the guy looked like. To this day I still remember his face, although nothing more came out of it.

Whenever the story is bought up, we all have a good laugh about my stupidity…...I am still a cricket fan but not that obsessed! smile


Not really a childhood memory but still a good one….

My Pop past away a few year’s back, and my poor Nan was left behind. Luckily i was living with her at the time to help her out around the house and everything. After my pop’s funeral my Nan and all the family wanted to watch the tape of the funeral, so Nan gathered all the family and children inside to watch the tape.  After everyone was inside and settled, Nan came out with tape and put it into the video recorder only to everyone’s surprise it was one of me Nan and Pop’s dirty old 60’s stick films!!!  big surprise

After 30mins into it only kidding everyone had a good laugh and still till this day it goes on…...... love you Nan!!!!

Warren Chapstick - 01 August 2010 10:48 AM

Not really a childhood memory but still a good one….

My Pop past away a few year’s back, and my poor Nan was left behind. Luckily i was living with her at the time to help her out around the house and everything. After my pop’s funeral my Nan and all the family wanted to watch the tape of the funeral, so Nan gathered all the family and children inside to watch the tape.  After everyone was inside and settled, Nan came out with tape and put it into the video recorder only to everyone’s surprise it was one of me Nan and Pop’s dirty old 60’s stick films!!!  big surprise

After 30mins into it only kidding everyone had a good laugh and still till this day it goes on…...... love you Nan!!!!

hahah thats gold!!! dirty old pop LOL


Visiting Grandmas’s house. Grandpa wouldnt let us play with his golf clubs. We decided to use a 2X4 piece of wood instead. I was gong to use the 2X4 piece of wood as a club, to hit the golf ball…My brother was behind me… I told him to back up, and he did… I still swung to hit the golf ball and when I had swung backward, I smacked him in the nose.
We joke about it still this day.


hahahah them memories will never die!!

I had the same sort of thing happen to me but it was with a baseball bat instead,i got the sorest eye socket and the blackest eye from it hahaha… Even worse part was i didn’t even know he was goin to swing it,I was just walking behind him minding my own business.  shock

Mizu Kuma - 03 August 2010 12:24 PM

I was born in the awkwardly warm summer of 1981. I was a small baby and spent time in a makeshift humidicrib until I was able to sustain myself. I was also born with jaundice and had to spend several days under lamps to dispose of the problem. This in itself caused many other issues. The main one being that the incompetent registered nurse put me under the wrong wattage bulbs and now I have to spend the remainder of my life looking like mutated dna scrapings from Ernie Dingo’s well structured backside. People started assuming my parents had adopted me and they also started to believe this in the years to come.
The years from birth through to my first words and memories at the age of 7 are a blur. On the outside apparently I looked like a happy baby/toddler/kid but according to my older brothers there was a different tale to be told. Maybe it is these traumas that delayed my mental maturity, maybe it was when that donkey kicked me in the head. (It is quite embarrassing really. My entire family sits around every Quanza and shows the video and laughs, meanwhile I am dying a little on the inside) Either way something was awry. My oldest brother Ruttiger told me to the time my cousins and the neighbourhood children tied me to a totem tennis pole and took turns hitting my genitalia, this lasted for 3 odd hours and I hope that one day I can reap the whirlwind of vengeance I so richly deserve.

School was no easier for me really. My nicknames were either drool boy, monger or 14. Drool boy because of my muscious problem, monger because of my mottled colour and 14 because that was the record for how many pine cones they were able to shove into my anus whilst holding me down.

I excelled in school from an academic standpoint and by the time I reached the 5th grade I was heavily entrenched in the fantasy world of Tolkien and the absurdist works of Beckett and Stoppard. I learnt it was safer to stay indoors and make my own friends than brave the cruel world outside. This lesson was harshly taught to me on the night of Halloween 1992. I decided to go out trick or treating. That year I decided to dress as MC Hammer if he were a elfin prince of the woodland folk. It was all going along well until the 3rd house. I knocked on the door. It was Matthew Burtons grandfathers house. My memories from that point on are sketchy but I distinctly remember the word queer being used along with the phrase “go for the record” and my last memory before blacking out was my father screaming “You can fit more in than that.” My high school nick name was then 19.

Oh! No! Wait a minute…........ This was Till’s story from the Introduce Yaself Thread!!!!!! I’m takin on other peoples personas now!!!!  hmmm

identity thief haha!