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Skateboarding Photography Contest 2012 / 2013


<img src =“” width =“800”>


Best photographer wins $1500 in prizes. This contest we have also included prize packs for runner-up and the best edited photo. Second place receives $750 in prizes. Best edited photo wins $250 in prizes. Please read all the terms and conditions. We are looking for the ‘best photographer’ - not the best individual photo. Prizes will include skateboards, trucks, wheels, bearings, shoes and heaps of other awesome skate gear!

We will be accepting any photos taken from October 1st, 2012, onwards. You can’t re-post photos from the previous contest.


- Photos must be posted into this thread to be a valid entry.

- Please state the title of the photo, where the photo was taken (town/city and state), and the date the photo was taken.

- Please upload images at 600(min) or 800(max) pixels wide. For information on how to do this, please click here


- This contest is only open to Australian entries (photos can be taken overseas).

- Photos must be from October 1st, 2012, onwards.

- The photographer must be a registered member. Only the photographer can enter their photos.

- A maximum of three entries, per photographer, per day. You may enter three photos every day.

- We will be picking two photos every couple of weeks to be posted to the homepage and on Facebook.

- Please do not submit photos if you don’t want them posted on our Facebook page here. You will always receive photographer credit when we post your photo.

- Please don’t watermark the photos. Just type the credits below the photo and we will give appropriate credits when posted.

- By default we will give credit to your screen name. If you want your full name credited, just type ‘Credit: Your Name’.

- This contest will run until Friday, May 24th, 2013 (5:00pm AEST).

- Another photography contest will commence in June 2013.

- We will be selecting up to your best 10 photos. This means if you only post three photos, we will only submit three photos to the judges. If you post 30 photos, we will select your best 10 photos and submit them to the judges. The judges will look at all of your submitted photos and judge you as a skateboard photographer based on all your best shots.

- The best photographer will be chosen by a panel of industry judges. Runner-up receives the second place prize.

- The best edited photo wins $250 in prizes. To enter this you must state that your submitted photo is for the best edited category! This prize will be awarded to the photographer who demonstrates the best editing skills while showing the most creativity. Best photographer and runner-up winners are eligible to win this category as well. You must also use the Boardworld logo in your photo. To download the high resolution PDF vector logo please click here (right click and select ‘Save Link As’). If you prefer to use the PSD vector logo please click here (right click and select ‘Save Link As’).

- Please reply to this thread with any questions regarding the the contest or the terms and conditions. Additionally, you can email us at: promo(at)


Alright! Good to see the new comp up so quickly.

Here’s a photo of Jamey Foxton I shot the other day (10/11), ollie into a bank on the Northern Beaches.

Ollie - Jamey Foxton.

I’ll post a few more in a little while, I’m liking the new ideas thrown into the comp!


Great start to the new contest, walker!


Excellent! It’s up and running already. I actually shot (I think) a heap of somewhat decent shots after the previous competition haha feeling lucky this year!

Justin Beard Crook Bonk/Grind this rail I think was at a Channel 7 building haha 19/11/12

And do we have to use that logo for best edited…? Can’t everyone just assume that every photograph that is upload be eligible for the “Best Edit?” Just seems tiresome hahaha


Sean Reemus with a Heelflip at this Church Gap 23/10/12

“Best Edit…?”


Justin Beard 50-50s this sketchy Rail at this Abandoned Milk Factory 26/10/12

“Best Edit”


Justin Beard Bs Flips this Tank Gap at Woolworths 14/10/12

“Best Edit”


Awesome photos guys!!!!


Great shots, Beaglee!


Not up there with the qual of these guys shots! but here are some i took in Oct.

<img src =“” width =“750”>
Ray Wilson
Melbourne Library stairs

<img src =“” width =“750”>
Vyv Lyde
Would you like some Bone with that Ollie?
Lincoln Square


That first shot is sick, K2.


Cheers mate shaka


Dont know if it classes as the edit category or not, but added the BW logo anyway. Its just a photo I tweaked a bit in PS so if its not really classed as edited then ill drop the logo out of it.

19 Oct 2013
FS Smith Grind (over the caps)
Vyv Lyde
Lincoln Square


K2! For that first shot, it would of been nice if you got him separated from the crowds by getting him on that pavement. It has a nice documentary feel to it.

It’s park, but I just like how my mate made this trick look pretty stylish haha

Jordan Perrett Bs Smith Grinds at Westbrook 17/11/12


Cheers for the tip mate!


Good stuff guys!

Mikey Mieruszunski, switch suski, Emu Plains. November 2nd.

Switch Suski - Mikey Mieruszynski.