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Special Thanks to RED Helmets!!!!!!


i would like to pass on my up most special thanks to

RED Helmets

Mad Respect to this safety product for keeping me safe and in 1 piece

i didn’t like the last box in leichhardt park so decided to head butt it

Box 1 - helmet 0 [cracked in 3 places just above my neck]

Me able to walk away - slightly concussed and groggy

once again Many thanks to RED Helmets

NB: i now have a new shiny Black RED Helmet!!!!!!


glad to hear you’re ok and were able to walk away grin


F*^&k yeah

made for some funny moments in Jindy

when i couldn’t find my wallet - tore the car apart - rang PB trying to see if i left it the shop etc

i was repeating my questions to everyone 4 or 5 times cause i could remember the answers ....

catch phrase “have you seen my helmet”

Close Call!!!!!!!



Totally the reason that I will not ride without a helmet. You can be the best rider on the snow and 1 bad move and you’re in an ambulance on your way to cooma hospital and a huge bill. All that to save $100 on a helmet.

I got myself a new Giro one last weekend as my RED one is a little big. Either way, both are great helmets.


Kudos to helmets.

Glad to hear you’ll slide again Cabby cool smile


you cracked the helmet in three places? nuts, imagine if you didn’t have it on!

I crashed and broke my helmet in NZ, i face slammed on a rail and mustve just hit the forehead part of my helmet first and my googles t, just enough to keep my teeth anyway, one went straight through my lip. heres a little frame grab….helmets are your friend kids smile




sounds like we need to come up with some photos to try and win that sandbox helmet? although you said you got a new one already?
the way you destroy them though….may need a spare haha


Helmets are good. Goggles too, we tend to think of goggles are protecting our eyes from the sun and the elements, but they protect against impact and tree limbs as well.

I’ve not hit my head hard enough to crack the helmet though… that’s rough.

snowslider - 03 August 2010 03:25 PM

Helmets are good. Goggles too, we tend to think of goggles are protecting our eyes from the sun and the elements, but they protect against impact and tree limbs as well.

I’ve not hit my head hard enough to crack the helmet though… that’s rough.

yeah i was a solid hit - once i got off the ground -  i’m impressed i could slide away from it - a little groogy, with a bad head ache

i only blackjed out for a second

i got a thick neck too .....