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Thoughts on the new IPHONE 4!


which network u goin with?


I got a rain-check. The new plan has kicked in (Optus), so I’m just waiting for the phone to come in.

They reckon 2-4 weeks!  mad


my gf was told 1 week


A good I phone APP- Prankers….

Got me old man today it was so funni, get it now best joke to play on ya mate’s!!!!!!!!!!


got it yesterday!!! um doesnt seem to have any problems wiht it so far, the internet on it is crazy quick!! ill keep you all posted with any problems if i have any haha

Rick0889 - 08 August 2010 10:14 AM

got it yesterday!!! um doesnt seem to have any problems wiht it so far, the internet on it is crazy quick!! ill keep you all posted with any problems if i have any haha

Internet speed factor is also the network provider - who did you end up going with?


do you have a bummper case on it rick?


i went with telstra, i had the old iphone wth telstra and was alot slower!!!

um nah no bumber case yet, i will get one on the weekend but i took it for a ride today on my snowboard and it was fine! kinda scared boarding with it tho lol


yeah i have had no issues with the reception so far, im sure they must have fixed it!!

such a good phone i think highly of it and everyone should get one lol i should be a spokes person for apple haha

Getting myself a case for it today smile


My Mrs got her last week. It’s pretty sweet!

I’m spewing though, cause I’m still waiting for mine, but during the week I got a company phone, so now I’m going to be stuck with my new one too. I’m trying to cancel it before I get it, but I don’t think it’s going to happen.


So for those who have got one, or looked at getting one, any suggestions on which plan to go with? There is no shortage of options and i am bloody confused.


i rekon optus has pretty good deal if u got alot of mates on optus
59 extreme plan
2gb net
unlimited msging
free calls to optus numbers mob and landline
$550 worth of calls n txt to anyone
unlimited twitter and facebook access


that is pretty good. i have been with vodafone for years but they aren’t exactly offering a ‘wow’ product so to speak.


im with telstra, they go ok