The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


one line story [= keeps going on and on .. ..


Pope Benedict XVI, who is the expert in amakats, as well as…


pulling double backflips at…


Mt buller because they have so much snow to….


Face plant into when not pullin off a jump and havin everyone laughing at you, even your girlfriend thinks…..


size of his .. ..

Mizu Kuma - 01 August 2010 11:41 AM

that her Dad is the Biggest Champion that ever existed on the face of the Planet, and realises that your worthless but wouldn’t even begin to compare to his….



From Mizu’s ego, to which at one point he was…


brain cells.

creative story number 2 by boardworld members

A snowboarder decided to Go overseas to a country where things were very different to her hometown of CHAPSTICK town, because all the ladies ran out of dishwashing liquid and had to use an inferior brand called Tills which was so bad that it made everyone get the worst rash on their head so it looked like they had dandruff, but really they were suffering from a rare disease called kortseffalus that originates in the genitals of a rider aged 26 that controlled the nyteskye through his telepathic mind control combined with the horrific chants of the local folk chanting mi zu ku ma… mi zu ku ma.. which translates to “MIZU KUMA! MIZU KUMA!” - studies have shown that this is the sound gay squirrels make when mating in the tropical forests of Kortamala Dingus which is located deep in the bowels of a country that is famous for the rare species called the amakat‘s.. they tend to feast on the droppings of the 4 headed turkeys, who are closely related to fight all other animals due to the fact that.

alllllllll the turkeys are pissed at the banjo’s havin shot left right and center and can’t handle there drinks until mizu calls and asks for his chapstick coz he has dry lips.. and also asked for it to be nite cause all the sun was making his lips very dry so he had to rub a little swish power on it for the chance to be rider and show rick what he’s really made of! which is 1 part giraffe, 1 part puffer fish and 1 part Brazilian Fighting Beetle, which he inherited from that gay bloke from Melrose Place who died when he got that broom stick stuck up his pet giant snail’s antenna whilst he was feeding it copious amounts of caffeine tablets and washing them down with litres of vodka, in preparation for a marathon session of Guitar Hero whilst rubbing the snail mucus from the broomstick before heading off to see the Dalai Lama about an interesting problem involving Mizu, K2, kort and a pair of riders favourite snowboarding underpants that he purchased on a trip to.

india to find inspiration for fast eddie and his band of dancing gypsy spider monkeys that he bought off creepy looking bloke in a Boardworld T-shirt standing on top of the world, because that is where he belongs, instead of the same wall that humpty dumpty fell off… but saw that whatever had to be done, just had to be done, and with all his might pushed a epic snow storm though thredbo creating snow so deep, which caused all the skiers to take up snowboarding due to the fact that the boarders were rippin the pow with as much style as Warren Chapstick rockin’ his typical Saturday night costume of leather pants crotchless knickers, peephole bra and doc marten boots, accessorised with chanel earings and a little touch of fast eddies.

favourite magazine subscription called Dolly! Yet they cancelled it due to the tills going off and selling fasst coz of the photo of Ronald McDonald bein carted off by the COPS for exposing himself to Grimace and the Hamburgler whilst eating lamb chops which was the name of his next door neighbours cat who once clawed the face of notorious bee eye gee who was the boss of the lingerie company “Victoria’s Secret”, which made a record-breaking loss of Money this year due to the fact that Rick had cut down his spending on women’s underwear for his personal use, whcih he hides at the bottom of sock draw, which also houses his collection of bondage whips and the gift he received from kort on his last birthday, which included a tool belt and some lube and chapstick coz rick likes to have soft lips for when he visits the Iraqi Senior Mens Netball team over at the Local netball courts, they train there because it only has 2 bomb blast holes on the court, besides having a great little Kebab Van that sells the best prisoner torture devices in town, specialising in causing pain to the inebriated kebab consumer, while cleverly attributing the sensation as coming from ‘Their Own Tangy Sauce’ which is made from the juice’s from the rare and exotic sweaty fat chicks from Alabama who inherited their skills from their time with Michael Jackson who was with that fat kid from “Hey Dad” because he wanted to be a pwnstar but that job was already taken by Mr Kelly, and when he found out that there was gonna be some competition on the show, he


decided to get a transplant of pubic hair given his own was falling off because he was suffering from Post Pubescent Badger Syndrome and was having great trouble with his bladder control causing him great distress forcing him to urinate profusely over every urinate every 5 minutes, forcing him to wear an adult nappy. Thankfully he was able to get priority for an operation to fix his embarrasing problem as he was good friends with Doctor wong kee knee the doctor of all star NBA players until he was exposed for Eating dogfood 3 times a day, he tried to tell the critics that he belonged to a cult called pedigree which had the initiation ritual of listening to Tom Cruise talk about scientoligy and It’s most revered speaker Hammo the Talking Hamster and his flatulent rendition of the Star Spangled Banner topped of with his Pledge to donate his remains to the Australian greens party as long as.

a emissions trading scheme tax is charged on the cremation of his ball sack to fend off pubic hair munching by the dude from the Boardworld Forums AKA nyteskye, who seems to have quite the taste for changing his avatar to a very mysterious pic of himself standing in the dark looking like he knows what you did last winter and he is gonna find out what you got in your underwear draw, but that’s not the worst part of nyteskye‘s insatiable desire for seeking the ultimate revenge for what those pesky kids did to his grandmothers beloved dog, in which they cast an evil spell on it turning it into a hideous bear which looked like mizu kuma‘s avatar but really was Sarah Palin in disguise, much to the delight of kort, who always had a good relationship with Sarah ever since their time together at the bull and bush inn near the The local supermarket, where they first met because they bought the same thing which was.

A really big panadol to help them get over the hang over from the nite before, where they were drinkin with people like julia gilard who said she would like to move backwards with have her way with Warren Chapstick, as she has a thing for guys who vomit over themselves, which is based on a traumatic experience she had when she used to party with nyteskye at the club which was full of gay men gyrating with cowboy hats and glow sticks, which they purchased from The Toolshed. They managed to get all of it for free because they promised the guy behind the counter they would tickle his amakat or give him a rider 2 or 6 down the middle of Front Valley at Peak School Holiday period naked whilst singing i wil survive and doing the macarena at snow terrain park performing the Mc Twist Quarter Pounder with a French Fry Hot Apple Pie and then Supersizin it with a big chocolate thiiiick shaake topped off with.

a hot fudge sunday that melted slowly in his mouth and dripped down his Silk tie, which was gift from his mistress which she used to tie him down at a lesbian bar which is were she learned to dance the fantango while picking up jelly beans with her but(tocks) and pushed them out of her nose and then shot them across the room only to hit the Duke of England, he then stood up and applauding, pleading for a repeat performance except this time to hit him in the Go Nads!! Is what he used to say because his dog was called Nads, he was a rare breed, half Shnouzer half saint bernard with a colourful tail, because the kids in the street used to spray paint dog’s tails and wrap Gladwrap around their.

Dad’s car so he was late for work and gettin into hip hop classes that started with a bikram yoga session so he could improve his lego building skills so he could make his dream submarine bath toy to go with his cool lego video that he just uploaded to the ‘Short Film Contest 2010’ on Boardworld in the hope of winning 1st prize at Tropfest, which would give him the publicity to become a Billionaire like Bill Gates, and take control of his so called empire of minions who preatend they like chuck norris because he is totatlly uberly most awesome but not quite as awesome as THE NYTESKE HATTER,who only hang around retirement villages looking to pick up old gerbils who lived in the holes of the front garden, so he could use them to the bedroom with a long tube of PVC piping to which only one little boy named Kort was

waiting to put them into a cage allowing him to sell them to the pet shop for $50 a pop for pocket money to get a horse ride like warren chapstick‘s avatar coz it looks a float from a gay pride parade because chapstick is a huge fan of that song about taking you to a gay bar which he heard from the Proclaimers because he wanted to walk 500 miles to fall down at the gay bar that’s 500 miles from his local gay bar which is located in his home town of Gay where all the people are all growing cheesey moe’s like warren and enjoy pony riding when the rainbows are out, just as much as Warren but not as much as fast eddie coz hes so quick at rehabbing his groin because of an injury he sustained during the pony riding incident of 2008 which started because nyteskye was running through the pony paddock with his pants still on and they dangled around his ankles as he pranced through the paddock with nothing on but the pants at his ankles and a pink cowboy hat which he stole from warren chapstick, he was so taken by nyteskye‘s body that he entered and won “Mr Gay Universe” because of his strength in the evening gown and swimsuit section, although he was unlucky in the talent quest performance because a donkey started to ‘ride’ his horse so wildly that nyteskye stepped in to save the day but the rider overcame nyteskye‘s efforts by


doing the hokey pokey while juggling 3 chainsaws and a rubber chicken, only to find that he had forgotten what an amakat was, and was trying to find out by asking Pope Benedict XVI, who is the expert in amakats, as well as pulling double backflips at Mt buller because they have so much snow to

Face plant into when not pullin off a jump and havin everyone laughing at you, even your girlfriend thinks that her Dad is the Biggest Champion that ever existed on the face of the Planet, and realises that your worthless but wouldn’t even begin to compare to his size of his Massive…... Huge….... Humongous…........... Ginormous…........ Gigantuan…....... So big that all the girls run away screamin From Mizu‘s ego, to which at one point he was admiring his massiveness and laughing at Chapsticks lack of brain cells.

the end

story is on page 22 and 23 [=

hahaha well done guys ... and girls.. another crazy out of this boardworld community story

thanks for participating


That’s it, that’s all?


There once was a man named Enis…


who has never used it on a .. ..


Simpson’s Sundays on Fox 8 which is his second favourite show, only second to…


little red riding hood so he could