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If ya were offered a property of your choice (same value no matter where), at your choice of location at either a Snow Resort, Skate Park or Beach Front, where would it be?????
* actual location
Beach Front
hmmmm Snow.
Cause public transport from the city to the beaches (ie my work commute would suck!)
And any property at the snow would be a much better buy whether it was a $500k property or a $1M property!
And the short term rental income would be pretty sweet!
I’d go with snow. But then again, it would be pretty cool to live right in the city on a highrise or by the beach having BBQ’s with your mates etc.
Sorry, I should’ve stated location!!!!!
I just gave the different options to cater for the broader community!!!!! Or should that be “boarder” community?????
Okay same name the actually location under the banner of those three broader areas? Or can I name any location?
If anywhere I would say Sydney CBD
But if I had to choose out of the 3 categories of location my snow choice would be Tahoe.
I have always said if I won an obscene amount of Money I would by property in Tahoe. (after buying a Sydney property)
(Location and a dollar limit would help… )
I would take a beach front location right on Bondi Beach.
Second choice would be a snow pad in Whistler.
On any given day I could easily switch those around, but I’m craving the beach and surf lately.
Whistler or Banff, Sapporo, Hotham and Sydney CBD. That would be my 4 picks for property if I didn’t have to worry about money anymore.
My location would be a house on the Alpine Way (Thredbo)
My location would be a beachfront house, with the skate park 50m up the road and a 1 or 2 hour drive to the slopes.
Snow for sure
Thought about this long and hard
For this time in our lives, I think Chill Hill is the perfect place.
2 Hours to the Mount Hotham, 5 Hours to Falls, Thredbo or Perisher.
Beach and rivers 15 minutes away and 4 skateparks with 30 mins.
Beach, I’m assuming with this money no object part of it that means I also have the financial capability to get my heli’s pilots licence and also my own chopper? So yes, house by the beach with a chopper in a field out the back as a means to get quickly to anywhere else I want to go.
You mentioned snow resort as the first option and then I didn’t really bother reading the others.. But seriously, a place at a snow resort would be my pick for sure!
Portland Oregon - about an hour and a half to both the ocean and the snow
Thought about this long and hard
For this time in our lives, I think Chill Hill is the perfect place.
2 Hours to the Mount Hotham, 5 Hours to Falls, Thredbo or Perisher.
Beach and rivers 15 minutes away and 4 skateparks with 30 mins.
im still unsure of where chill hill is, can you get a map and circle it for me, please