The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


Would you rather…


Get some one else cause no matter how good you think it is the missis will still pick something out that’s wrong mad lol

Go roller bladeing with your bum bag on or riding your sister’s pink bike while havin long hair????


Pink bike pink bike!!!

Would you rather have dilmah or lipton tea?


Dilmah, it’s such a great taste on the pallet i found there’s nothing more up lifting!!!

riding a sheep bare back or a goat bare back???


a sheep there would be more pading.

jumping and rolling around in a pigs mud pit or not taking a shower for 8 days??


jumping and rolling around in a pigs mud pit thanks - least I can shower after it!!

LCD, plasma or LED?


LED by far!

Good sound and small screen or crackly shit sound and a big screen.



wiping out into the scrub at the snow or goin over the falls and eating the sand on a wave


wiping out into the sand would be more likly to happen so i’ll go into a bush or something

cat or a dog


cat….less maintenance plus you gotta earn their love.

climate change/global warming - truth or bullsh1t?


I’m with you Mizu smile For all the evidence that states there is global warming, there is just as much evidence to the contrary smile

Hotel thanks - as long as its clean! I like running hot water for shower!


the only thing you can’t fix is the weather wink

oops!!  Forgot to ask a question!!


get your eyebrows shaved or get a sack crack and back?


I’ll go with the sack crack and back.

A hot partner that never puts out, or an ugly one that always puts out?


wow wot a dilemna! If I had an ugly partner, I doubt *I* would want to put out myself!
I will go with the hot partner option, in case she has an “off day” :-D

Male Vasectomy or circumcision?


Queen, although I would like a King Size…....However it means we have to buy king size manchester and we have enough manchester to last an eternity!

facebook or twitter (or neither?!)


the pre-emptive text is useful but can be frustrating at times….I was reading some story where this girl meant to write “I need a nap” and the auto text changed it to “I need an@l” - she didn’t realise it and pressed the send button grin heeehehe

The Young Ones or Red Dwarf?