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Yeah, Niseko is chock full of hooligans!!!!!
Everyone go to Canada!!!!!
I know you’re “avin a lend”
but like most places - there are resorts that cater for the masses where you’ll find the douchebags and those that don’t.
i prefer the latter.
I think that even if you go to a resort that is catered for the douches you can still easily avoid them.
Don’t right of a place just because of reports.
Last time I went to Niseko, I didn’t see one case!!!!!
Nor did I when in Whistler this year!!!!! People write that off as an Aussie Hooligan Magnet also!!!!!
People that find this stuff must be hangin in the wrong places?????
But, as I said, I’m more than happy for others to go elsewhere!!!!! Matter of fact, I encourage it!!!!!
Having spent a lot of time in Japan with work, it’s generally a safe place, generally nice people and generally tourists take advantage of that.
Never been to the snow though, but I can say with certainty the amount of tourists that fuck shit up in Tokyo is astounding. I’m glad I have work colleagues to take me out so I avoid the tourist dumps. The easiest way to avoid bogans while travelling overseas? Avoid going out (at night) to areas in the Lonely Planet.
did run into a few bunches while in niseko but im in such high spirits i really cant be stuffed to let other people ruin it
the end
This discussion reminds me of this
This discussion reminds me of this
So true!!!!!
It would be like tellin an OS tourist to steer clear of Sydney because of the hooligans and high crime rate!!!!!
I think that even if you go to a resort that is catered for the douches you can still easily avoid them.
Don’t right of a place just because of reports.
you mean “right off” yeah?
because of reports? I have actually been there. and hakuba.
i’m not writing off anything. i just posted a few helpful hints on a few japanese traditions and also pointed out that there are a few resorts that are easily accessible and because of this, UNFORTUNATELY it attracts certain people. It happens everywhere.
Either way - as long as you’re having fun - no issues here
Ah way to be a douche and correct my grammar - clap clap!
And i agree as long as you are having fun that’s all that matters!
I just think it is sad that people avoid certain places because of reputation - Bali is another classic example.
Wasn’t correcting your grammar to be a douche - i just wasn’t sure what you were getting at. My grammar is woeful at the best of times.
I understand your point, but without sounding like an oracle/pretentious snob type - I’ve travelled through Japan 7 or 8 times now and this has been an observation that I have made and therefore think I can make a pretty accurate statement.
Either way - have a good time.
*write off
Here’s another “Ten Things” list, written by one of my best mates:
They’re both honest reviews!!!!!
Neither mentioned anything about “Bogans” anywhere!!!!!