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Boardworld instagram for iPhone.


Now that I think about this… I don’t know why I bothered. I hate facebook and Twittor equally.

ozgirl - 24 September 2012 06:43 AM

Thats why i offered to do it for him!


that is a good point.

Plus we need some older boarders around here, it will make me feel younger!


Although its stupid to sticker the cop car, i did find it a bit funny. Wrong but i did chuckle.

ozgirl - 24 September 2012 02:50 AM

. . . i would love the opportunity to run BW twitter acct. Just to see what would happen if it was utilized properly!

For a Boardworld Twitter account to be “utilized properly”, wouldn’t it be better for someone who actually knows enough about snowboarding/skateboarding/surfing to run it?


Hmmmm Chucky!?

It would be more important that the someone knows enough about how to market any product on Twitter.

But yeah LOL at your comment.


I see Instagram as being the biggest game changer in photography since Kodak introduced the BoxBrownie (first consumer P&S camera) which was I think 1940’s.
BoxBrownie even outdates plastic!

The introduction of digital photography didn’t phase me at all.
IG takes the photographic medium back to essence of what the art form is about.
And #hashtags wink are used to categorize photo’s that’s all.

I open Instagram more often than FB or BW.
But photography is more than a passion, hobby or profession to me - it is my way of communicating.
I can’t write 1000 words that can convey the same message I can through a single photo.


On statistics:
More photos have been taken and shared with the iPhone than all photos taken in history, worldwide before iPhone.

Instagram has been around for 18months (?) I suspect stats for IG will have multiplied the figure beyond comprehension.

snowbum_spaz - 25 September 2012 02:24 PM

It would be more important that the someone knows enough about how to market any product on Twitter.

No matter how experienced you are with the medium, you can’t effectively market a product if you don’t know the product well enough. Look at the way ski marketing constantly f*cks up snowboarding promotions.


^ Look at their embarrassingly ignorant use of the term FREERIDE!!!!!!!!


Well thanks for the vote of confidence and your respect Chucky!

Luckily Rider gives me both of these.


It’s got nothing to do with that. It’s all about being REALISTIC.

Quite simply, ANYONE (not you specifically) who attempts to market a product, but doesn’t know the product well enough, ends up doing more harm than good.

It would be disrespectful to Rider to go into this unprepared/inexperienced.


Would you feel ‘confident’ running a twitter feed on custom cabinetmaking, chromatic harmonica playing, or nuclear physics?


Actually yes I would.

99.9% of what i post will be rehashed versions of what Rider post on facebook. But more twitter friendly approach.

I wont be producing new material as such.

I am prepared and experienced. But you would know that if you actually had a conversation with me instead of trying to shut me down.


You’re kidding yourself.

To effectively condense a longer piece into an abridged version of 140 characters or less, requires adequate knowledge in discerning which are the most important/pertinent points to include. You may know Twitter, but you don’t know snowboarding/skateboarding/surfing well enough to do that. Sure, you’d be fine with SOME of it, but definitely NOT ALL.


I think that just by being on the snowboard forums, Kim would know more about snowboarding than some retard marketing ski team from Perisher. Maybe not as much as yourself or Jeremy, but I don’t see you putting up your hand to help.

You keep grouping all skiers into a group that should be 4-5 people large that are using the term free-riding incorrectly. I know lots of skiers who I totally respect and enjoy riding with and I think it’s unfair that you are labelling people from what you have noticed by a small percentage (FIS and Perisher Marketing)