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Boardworld instagram for iPhone.


Sounds great, Kim. Let’s have a chat about it when we catch up.

Re sticker contest, ummm we’ve been in trouble about this before - more than once haha. I like the idea but we need to be careful as I’ve had some serious warnings.




I often wondered about that!

rider26 - 24 September 2012 03:02 AM

Re sticker contest, ummm we’ve been in trouble about this before - more than once haha. I like the idea but we need to be careful as I’ve had some serious warnings.

Are the feds onto you man???  zipper


While I’m not the biggest supporter of twitter, I do see the benefits. If done right, it could really be a step forward.

ozgirl - 24 September 2012 02:04 AM

Facebook bought it so they must think it is going to grow!

Not necessarily, A lot of people believe it was more of a defensive purchase getting in before a rival social network got to it and it’s users. I don’t see facebook benefiting much at all from the purchase and the price they paid for essentially an App and a few developers was crazy (they didn’t really gain a user base that didn’t already have a fb account)

I do agree that Twitter is very useful though. I’ve never personally tweeted a thing but find it very handy for getting information as it happens.


True DRC.

I suppose i should have said they saw it as a threat/not going to go away…

#hashtags is such a prominent part of society now (even Apple got on the bandwagon with the new iphone operating system keyboard giving hashtag its own key or something or another - twitter was all of a buzz with it last week)

#hastaging does not work (yet) on facebook, even thought people try to use it (cracks me up!).



I actually have no idea why i put the # at the front of the hashtag word…. teacherboy


LOL people who hashtag on fb shit me haha some are from ig posts etc but there’s those few who just have nfi

Azz - 24 September 2012 03:20 AM
rider26 - 24 September 2012 03:02 AM

Re sticker contest, ummm we’ve been in trouble about this before - more than once haha. I like the idea but we need to be careful as I’ve had some serious warnings.

Are the feds onto you man???  zipper



ozgirl - 24 September 2012 03:49 AM


I actually have no idea why i put the # at the front of the hashtag word…. teacherboy

haha teacherboy

rider26 - 24 September 2012 03:58 AM

shock I’m actually glad you’ve finally put one of my questions to rest. The goody two shoes in me often wondered if there was any repercussions to stickering, it’s not like it’s hard to work out where to find you! Having said that I still proudly point out the couple of BW stickers floating around North Cronulla beach.


lol you’d only be in trouble if the owners of the property weren’t cool with it…a cop car is another story though lol

rider26 - 24 September 2012 03:58 AM
Azz - 24 September 2012 03:20 AM
rider26 - 24 September 2012 03:02 AM

Re sticker contest, ummm we’ve been in trouble about this before - more than once haha. I like the idea but we need to be careful as I’ve had some serious warnings.

Are the feds onto you man???  zipper

ozgirl - 24 September 2012 02:50 AM
CRACKERS - 24 September 2012 02:35 AM

but in reality how many people actually use twitter?

Actually a lot.

People who have twitter accts actually use them far more than people with facebook.

This is why i would love the opportunity to run BW twitter acct. Just to see what would happen if it was utilized properly!

Actually,  its 10%  of Australians have a twittor account and about 1/3 of that use it regularly and surprisingly the The 45 – 54 age range is the most well-represented age group on Twitter in Australia, totalling 34% (bar a few legends on here, there aint that many snowboarders in that age group), so realistically you are looking at 3-4% of the population that is relevant and that doesn’t even take into consideration how many of those you already cover by reaching them on other social media. Compare that to FB where over 50% have an account and the most well represented age group is 25-34. you can look up the stats on lots of sites…here for example looking at that site you will also notice that your second point is incorrect.

anyways we are arguing about nothing. Someone give it a go and we can see what are right about the use of Twitter increasing though soooooooo maybe if you think it will usage increase enough It maybe well turn out I am wrong. I don’t mind being proven wrong either cause being proven wrong in this case would be a positive for BW. I guess I was merely suggesting that Rider may already spend a hell of a lot of time doing this social media stuff and if you did a cost benefit analysis on adding Twitter then I doubt it would be worth it, plus lets ask Michelle if she wants him on more social media wink.


Thats why i offered to do it for him!
