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iphone fisheye

i want to get a fisheye for my iphone, but i dont know which ones to get. there are some that are really expensive, and there are some cheap ones on ebay. i was wondering if anyone has tried out one of the cheap ones on ebay and which ones are good (preferably with wide angle and macro lenses as well)


Didn’t even know that they did them. I haven’t got an Iphone so not going to be any help Kazza.


I wonder if you could just use a fisheye from a hotel door. I know those cost $6


I got a set which set me back like $15-20 on eBay. All the edits I post are filmed on it. Well the ones with fish eye.
I’ll post more later, half asleep atm


Cool, please do post, I’m curious to see how it looks


You can buy one that’s priced moderately and work great


I was also thinking to have a fisheye for my iphone lately. My cousin told me to buy one which is in moderate price and have a good consumer review. You can do your research on Google for the specific model you want.