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Fastest you’ve been on a snowboard?


I really have to edit and upload the gopro footage from freddy flying down towers at top speed (and colliding with a skier).


yeh you MUST! I wanna see that!


I’ll try to do it on sunday.
I’m still working on this massive assignment I have due at midnight tonight and then tomorrow I have to do all the stuff I’ve been neglecting in the mean time (stuff due last monday and due today that I havent’ done!) GAHHH!

TJswish - 07 September 2012 07:07 AM

Yea no chance of 80km at smiggins. You’d hit 50-60 or so if you straight lined it down the blue run but its nothing compared to towers or going down something like olympic / yarandoo / excellerator at high speeds

You guys need faster boards… it was done flat basing from the top to the bottom of blancheys lol


I’ve flat based down stuff like that… but after riding a motorbike, you know what each speed feels like. So when the apps tell you something you know is wrong, you still know it’s wrong lol.


Nah, you need to get some accurate speed readings


I know mine is correct, ive tested next to my car speedo to see….


i gotta say - it’s pretty poor form going balls out fast down crowded runs. make sure it’s safe, you gotta give way to people in front of you.

captain howdy has spoken

captain howdy - 11 September 2012 06:12 AM

i gotta say - it’s pretty poor form going balls out fast down crowded runs. make sure it’s safe, you gotta give way to people in front of you.

Sanity prevails!!


I never go balls out if anyone is down hill from me.
To do a high speed run takes plenty of prep and concentration.

For me a high speed run begins on the chair lift checking and taking a mental count of all people on the run. Even with an empty mountain your mind has to focus and be watching for any person or movement. Readjusting your line at 80kmh takes 100m to do safely and anything within 200m is a possible object you are going to impact.

I ONLY straight line above 60kmh on a clear run (as far as I can see), when I can visualize every turn I’ll be doing in a certain distance - dependant on speed and length how far ahead I can see.

Yesterday I did a couple of 80kmh runs a few high 60s and one reading of 130kmh.

K2 - just because GPS is accurate one time doesn’t mean it’s accurate all the time.
AND car speedos are always inaccurate (but in a consistant manner).
—a car speedo is connected to your none driving wheel-to the road and is mechanical.
—Gps measures wave lengths travelling millions of km and needs a direct line of sight to a minimum of 3 reference points (satellites and cell towers). They are electronic and suffer miss reads and electrical glitches.

Even hand held radar guns fail around 50% of the time.


Here’s my vid of having a crack at 100 +. I woke up early to get the first chair to get a clear run and my plan was to point it straight down the summit. I’m carrying a bit of speed coming into the steep section and my tuck for the steep bit is the fastest I’ve ever been by a long shot. Ski tracks only gave me 84 kph though..?? I don’t want to be one of those jerks that blames the tech, but **** me that was way faster than my 99 at Perisher.

Got super told off by ski patrol. Felt a bit hard done by at first as there wasn’t another sole in sight, but in hindsight, the fact that I couldn’t stay on my feet is evidence I ‘wasn’t riding in control’. Thought I’d melted my pants to my ass too.

AJ2theC - 07 September 2012 03:54 AM

I’m at Falls this weekend. I’m going to wake up early for first lifts and point it straight down Summit Run. If I don’t break 100 Kph I’ll eat my hat on the Saturday night of the Shred…. smile

FWIW, I brought my hat to the shred, but no one called me on it so I kept my mouth shut… smile


Man U must have been goin so fast. That was over in no time and falls runs are short but I would t call summit a short run. And the pretty gnarly. I’d never do that. Props

AJ2theC - 12 October 2012 09:48 AM

Here’s my vid of having a crack at 100+

When I grow up, I wanna be like AJ!

We need to get you on an Olympic downhill run somewhere in the world. shaka


fuck dude, i think ricko maxed out at 80 on that run, i bailed on it hell earlier then him.

Mad props!


gulp holy crap al, that’s not such a short run at all! Most would still be strapping in by the time you got to the bottom!!
Props to you, crazy one! wink