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Weekly Member Prizes 2012

lanox - 11 September 2012 01:06 AM
ozgirl - 11 September 2012 12:59 AM

I think we have done the full circle and can nominate previous winners now!

So you are saying that no 1 else deserves it, so we should start nominating the same members again ?

Just wanted to see if i am understanding this right.

No i never said no one else deserves it!



100% K2!!!


Just reposting this so it doesn’t get lost, maybe boxy could consider adding it to an early post…...

2012 Member of the Week Winners:

9/7:  Cords
16/7: TJSwish
23/7: Ozgirl
30/7: Crackers
6/8:  blizzard_22
14/8: DylanV
20/8: deanobruce
27/8: nthnbeachesguy
3/9:  drc13, silent, snowdragon
10/9: Azz


what day is it? Am I even Allowed to nominate for this week yet? How can there be nominations from Monday? What if someone posts 500 times starting from today? you guys are all on crack8 and probably support Manchester Utd.

any ways pass me the crack pipe* so I can join in, Anyways if I am going off this week (the whole 2days) alone then I have to nominate K2 and Lanox for being so active (although only if Lanox gets an avatar, if that Avatar is a Tottenham hotspur logo then that would be an automatic nomination from me next week as well AHAHAHHAHAHAH).


ps: I reserve the right to add other nominations when the week is actually nearly finished.
pps: Drugs are bad mmmmk. I don’t actually think you do drugs just that you are crazy people LOL


I like winning smile *blushing*


+1 for K2 shaka


+1 for K2 and +1 for that trentradpants guy

CRACKERS - 11 September 2012 02:49 AM

what day is it? Am I even Allowed to nominate for this week yet? How can there be nominations from Monday? What if someone posts 500 times starting from today? you guys are all on crack8 and probably support Manchester Utd.

any ways pass me the crack pipe* so I can join in, Anyways if I am going off this week (the whole 2days) alone then I have to nominate K2 and Lanox for being so active (although only if Lanox gets an avatar, if that Avatar is a Tottenham hotspur logo then that would be an automatic nomination from me next week as well AHAHAHHAHAHAH).


ps: I reserve the right to add other nominations when the week is actually nearly finished.
pps: Drugs are bad mmmmk. I don’t actually think you do drugs just that you are crazy people LOL

drugs are baddd hmmmookay

buahahah crackwhore you have a beer on me… buahahahha


Lol congrats Azz!

I’m with the majority for k2! Didn’t realise though that he hadn’t won yet, I just assumed he had lol but def k2, he’s active ver most of either forum and always willing to acknowledge someone or post items of interest for others to see


K2 ftw! always encouraging the stoke smile


since its close to end of the week i nominate CHUCKY or K2….

lanox - 13 September 2012 04:34 AM

since its close to end of the week i nominate CHUCKY or K2….



Surprise Shred-Week Quadruple Week. Boom!

This week’s winners are K2_ShartsALot, Mudhoney, chucky, trentradpants shaka

These guys all bring so much to the community, both on the forums and behind the scenes. Each of these guys have been up there each and every week. They all deserve this prize pack for numerous reasons. Thank you to each of you for your constant support of Boardworld.

Please email promo(at) to claim your prizes.


Congrats all!!

ShartsALot!!!  LOL


Oops double post, just extra congrats!!!

red face