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Perisher 2012


So just how much of the resort will still be open for the shred big surprise


I would be very surprised if Guthega is open past Monday.

Sorry :-(



I’d volunteer to operate the J-Bar/T-Bar combo if it means boardworld members get free rein on Guthega. Would be such a pity to miss out on some of the best terrain on the mountain, especially with fresh snow expected!


Time for hiking!


Hiking it is!




I’d be in on operating the lifts as well haha but then if not and we have to resort to hiking, then hiking it is!

nthnbeachesguy - 05 September 2012 01:10 AM

Would be interesting for Boardworld to buy Perisher, they must be asking stupid money or they must be doing extremely badly and no one wants to buy into it.  That may explain why they are not showing the books.  I highly doubt even if everyone on here went to the limit of their borrowing potential that we would get to even a quarter of the asking price.

Generally speaking Spaz, in a normal competitive market the resorts would need to listen to the consumer to sustain market share. The ski resorts don’t have that problem, there is a very limited resource and thanks to various green movements that will continue to be the case meaning they can continue to take the captive market wherever they want price and service wise. 

Personally I would love to see a third resort open in the jindy vicinity with access to terrain in the 2100m and over altitiude realm. Frame it against the “global warming” trend requiring higher resort elevations if Australia wants a continued snow industry. Would be a nice way to use the greenies own doctrines against them and be a particularly sweet victory if it were to get through.

Imagine parking near Guthega, getting on a chair like horsehill at Buller and accessing twynam or townsend? One major lift in and a couple of chairs and a Tbar up there and you would have the best quality snow resort in Oz.

Short of that happening someone with some vision and a massive whack of cash and political clout needs to take over Perisher, redevelop a village atmosphere more like the american resorts and then concentrate on summer atractions and create a year round resort town. If you could maintain even 50% of the visitor numbers in winter you would go a long way to ensuring success.

I take it you’re unaware that is the exact plan Perisher has laid down and applied for over the last +20 years - only a year ago did PB release the Village plan but are still waiting approval.
50% ha! Thredbo are lucky if they get 5% during the busiest day of summer trade. Maybe when they had the CMC festival they reached 25% and what will PB use to attract summer visitors? SthEMTBCo have fought for almost 10years to be allowed to cut a second trail. One could only imagine what PB would have to do to put one trail in! - the only thing
PB has to offer is hiking.

Why MTB PB when Thredbo has the longest DH trail in Aust.
Thredbo is set up with facilities (by the AIS) as a high alt training facility and (I guess) about 1/3 of summer trade is for that - athletes come from around the world to use it.

The vision of PB has been huge since Kerry bought all 4 resorts. It’s progress has been halted mostly by NP and to a degree local government. If Jamie doesn’t have a massive whack of cash or the political clout to make it happen I can only think of a few people on the planet that do. Or it would take an entire country to invade ours to kill the political and environmental needs this fragile area requires to be sustained.

The suggestion of putting lifts starting at 2100m is the equivalent of bulldozing a freeway through Kakadu. Yes I would ride those lifts but it would sadden me to see it happen (and I would use the freeway to get to Broome).

Kind of like putting a lift at Thredbo to access GCB - it’s a great idea, but once it happens everyone will complain about the amount of people using the area.

BC areas are easily accessible just sit at Guthega and look at all the hiking tracks. There is a lot of good hidden terrain around Perisher that require a 2min (that’s two minute) hike that will take you to the base of a lift.

Here I want to use my favorite word “sheeple” 99% of people that go skiing stay in the resort, they don’t want to earn their lines, they want to be spoiled and pay for lifts to ride man made, groomed snow.

I would prefer to see a snowcat operation that runs to a resort set up like SnowPark. Maybe if we pool our money we could buy Charlottes Pass and turn it into Charlottes Park!!!

please note I’m not dissing your idea nthn - I wouldn’t want the wrath of your Northern Suburbs surfer angst to befall me. peace dude


Charlotte’s Park. It would be epic incarnate!

Though you may need to pawn more than 1 big camera to get the money to start this park.


Perisher this morning

The buidling in the middle of the left hand edge of the image is the main perisher building


Spaz I highly doubt James Packer overly concerns himself with Perisher, he has much much bigger fish to fry in Macau and here in Barangaroo.  If James could stick a casino in at Perisher then yes he might give more than a flying proverbial about the place, until then no, he doesn’t really acre about it.  I have seen parts of the plan but obviously if it has been languishing in the approvals process for 20 years it’s not getting the push from the right people with the right cash.  If one thing has been proven time and time again it’s that money eventually wins.

A lift that starts at 2100m wouldn’t have far to go even if it was on Mt K, I was more talking about lifting from 1800 up to 2100, similar vertical to Perisher but the base elevation is almost 100m higher which when talking about snow in Australia makes a difference.  What I don’t understand is why Thredbo can have such a concentration of lodges etc a lot of which are in slip areas but perisher wants to put a development on the flat land and it’s an issue with NPWS?  I don’t think your analogy is accurate at all with a hwy though Kakadu, for 8 months of the year the lift infrastructure is pretty much dormant with minimal impact during that time.  A hwy in Kakadu requires clearing vast tracts of land and is an ongoing issue with pollution and wildlife being killed by traffic.  Chairlifts don’t have much of a footprint other than the top and bottom stations and any power pole infrastructure, no correlation whatsoever to a hwy in my mind. 

I highly doubt you would be allowed to do snowcat ops for the purpose of lifting people into fresh terrain, much the same way you would never get access to sleds in new areas.  I’m coming back to my thoughts about a casino, that’s probably the only way they could sustain visitor numbers through the summer if they aren’t allowed to make DH MB tracks, fly fishing contests, kayaking etc. 

Wrath of angst, not sure what that’s about but anyways.


Charlotte Park could be a goer!

If our boardworld consortium could afford anything it would be that! (vs the countries biggest ski area anyway!)


And Nthn I think you have hit the nail on the head - Parker doesn’t give a flying monkey about Perisher! (i wonder when the last time he skied there was!)

An owner who cares about the resort would be a big step forward.

Charlotte Pass has come along leaps and bounds since they got a new owner!

ozgirl - 07 September 2012 12:07 AM

And Nthn I think you have hit the nail on the head - Parker doesn’t give a flying monkey about Perisher! (i wonder when the last time he skied there was!)

An owner who cares about the resort would be a big step forward.

Charlotte Pass has come along leaps and bounds since they got a new owner!

If Packer skied anymore it sure wouldn’t be in Perisher, St Antons, Vail, Chamonix, Cortina De Ampezzo or somewhere similar, Perisher wouldn’t suit his tastes in any way I don’t think.

ozgirl - 07 September 2012 12:05 AM

Charlotte Park could be a goer!

If our boardworld consortium could afford anything it would be that! (vs the countries biggest ski area anyway!)

Just get permission to setup a new chair up the other side of the gully and build 3 runs around that (Expert / Advanced / Beginners) and then build a lodge about 1/2 way down similar to SnowPark NZ’s lodge (Bar / Projector for snow movies / PS3 / Stage for bands (or performances by K2) and rooms out the back for people to stay in.)

Setup a good brand logo similar to the snowpark idea and setup a park only lift for like $60 or incorporate it into the Charlottes lift price for like $120. (Rather than their $80 normal pass). Give free lifts from Perisher carpark in an oversnow vehicle and it should work smile

(I realise it would never happen, but it would be epic smile)