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Well my Flying squirrel off the pole jam will be one of the last on the go-pro before the battery ran out lol
Well my Flying squirrel off the pole jam will be one of the last on the go-pro before the battery ran out lol
I put the SD card in another cam after that but its ok ill find it…..the walk the plank pole jam- did I tell you that was the feature that they built for the day? Every one was doing really well on it. I wish I could have hit that.
I found another flying squirrel of yours though, pretty bad angle but you its all there.
Duane busted a few as well.
Yea but Duane > TJ in skill lol
im gonna dedicate a whole day to this comp and hopefully get a few flying squirrel bangers!!
Flying squirrel yeww
are you saying that is you in that photo?
interesting with the Pine trees in the background
very interesting.
edit, cause i couldnt see the pic
Flying squirrel yeww
More info on the photo above.
Moz ‘Flying Squirrel’
Moz performs a flying squirrel, a trick that he learnt from the PS2 game SSX!
This photo was taken on December 9, 2009 using a Canon EOS 7D. in La Plagne, Rhone-Alpes, FR
Welcome to the forums “Moz”.......
naww you guys
That photo has been on the net for ages. I saw it last year when searching for flying squirrel pics.
Ok, I’ll throw this one up from the pirate day but it will probably be upgraded by a video or photo from the shred once we go
Lien Air - TJswish - 18th August 2012
Straight Grab
Not the best timing in the pic, but its just a simple straight grab from nz this season.
box to monkey straight air grabbing yew.