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Perisher 2012


Hahahaha ^ LOL


Doh, new page mad


It’s staff!

The rumors had all been flying last week about who would lose their jobs. The end of next week will be a big cull.
I spoke to few management types and they were showing hints of stress - having to give staff notice.
No one knew a thing about extending the season then, I brought up the point of needing staff to keep stuff open because the season would go longer. The reply I was given was that, as usual, the season will end with only front valley open no matter how much snow there is.

Perisher have a operating plan that schedules staff cuts and a gradual closing down of the massive lifted area they manage. It’s the most cost effective way they have made it effective.


still doesn’t make sense if they are staying open longer and still collecting ticket sales cashola?


Buy your freedom pass before the lift gets to the 2nd pole or else we shut down all the parks feckers. Another thing I missed in the fine print!

You can’t extend the season on one hand and then say we don’t have enough staff on the other.


Yep I agree with Spaz.

Dad heard Guthega was closing next week. and then i told the head of my dept that they were extending (cause i got the email form Perisher) they had heard NOTHING!

They certainly didn’t ask any staff if they wanted to stick around!


Still astounds me just how badly run it would appear the resorts are.  Do they still run on some archaic business plan that is completely inflexible, I fail to see an excuse for that to be honest.  Another instance of the Australian snow resorts trying to work out how much they can take and how little they can give back.  I think I had a similar rant at the end of last season when they had bulk snow left over and on the last day they only opened the 8 and one tbar or something ridiculous. 

My point then and ongoing is that this is not an unknown quantity to the management, good snow years happen and when they do the paying public would like some value.  Why they cannot maintain open contracts with staff whereby they can extend the employment of staff is beyond me.  If it is down to financial reasons it would appear that they need to take a good long hard look at how they manage their affairs, from what I understand getting hard facts on the income and expenditure of the resorts is very hard to come by so it’s difficult to comment. 

Logic would deem that they are doing very well or why else would this be the case, if they were doing badly they would be open book with the public to try and illicit some public understanding and “sympathy” for the exorbitant cost of snowsports in this country.


agreed with you, nthn.

cords - 04 September 2012 11:49 PM

agreed with you, nthn.

That doesn’t happen very often!


shaka @ nthnBG

Many lower staff have been scrounging for shifts so they can cover rent and have some dollars left over. The work force is there but it does seem they run on some archaic business plan that is completely inflexible. It must result in in better overall profit. The companies that run Aussie resorts are companies, and in that respect they are in it to make money, NOT to satisfy customer wants.

It sucks, is unfair but that’s the way our society is structured.
We could all put on our rose coloured glasses and make the most of what we have - that wont lead to change but we would all be happier about lifts running an extra week.  grin


haha no, not always…. grin


A few weeks ago Ashstix, Wes(Perisher Cameraman), Chaz(pbh chef) and I rode every lift in Perisher in one day. Each lift could only be ridden once (unless the lift next to it wasn’t running then we had to ride it twice).

Here is the video Wes edited from the 3 cameras we had running (ash(GoPro), wes(Contour) and me(DriftHD).

nthnbeachesguy - 04 September 2012 11:22 PM

Logic would deem that they are doing very well or why else would this be the case, if they were doing badly they would be open book with the public to try and illicit some public understanding and “sympathy” for the exorbitant cost of snowsports in this country.

They aren’t doing well!

Perisher has been for sale for years and no one wants it!

If we all think we can run it better - how about a Boardworld consortium??


Would be interesting for Boardworld to buy Perisher, they must be asking stupid money or they must be doing extremely badly and no one wants to buy into it.  That may explain why they are not showing the books.  I highly doubt even if everyone on here went to the limit of their borrowing potential that we would get to even a quarter of the asking price.

Generally speaking Spaz, in a normal competitive market the resorts would need to listen to the consumer to sustain market share. The ski resorts don’t have that problem, there is a very limited resource and thanks to various green movements that will continue to be the case meaning they can continue to take the captive market wherever they want price and service wise. 

Personally I would love to see a third resort open in the jindy vicinity with access to terrain in the 2100m and over altitiude realm. Frame it against the “global warming” trend requiring higher resort elevations if Australia wants a continued snow industry. Would be a nice way to use the greenies own doctrines against them and be a particularly sweet victory if it were to get through.

Imagine parking near Guthega, getting on a chair like horsehill at Buller and accessing twynam or townsend? One major lift in and a couple of chairs and a Tbar up there and you would have the best quality snow resort in Oz.

Short of that happening someone with some vision and a massive whack of cash and political clout needs to take over Perisher, redevelop a village atmosphere more like the american resorts and then concentrate on summer atractions and create a year round resort town. If you could maintain even 50% of the visitor numbers in winter you would go a long way to ensuring success.


is anyone going to be in jindabyne this friday night?