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Boardworld Skater Progress Thread


and i still cant land heelflips or kickflips


Been a while since I’ve posted an update in here.

Havent been skating as much as I was earlier this year (was like 4-6times a week), only been out 2-3 times a week lately due to weather and also Snowboarding every weekend.

Just wanted to say thanks to Gamblor for getting me stoked on frontside pop shuvits. I have been doing them all the time lately. Still dont land all the time. Prob only 50% of the time. But they always pop really good and they do that cool thing where they kinda stay glued to the front foot while they spin. A lot easier than I originally though and they look rad. They are one of those tricks you need to be moving to do it properly (not that I do any tricks stationary. Just find it easier to do moving and I figure just may as well try to learn moving straight away, but thats just my preference).

Also, main reason that made me post in here is I got super stoked on Monday nights skate. I thought I’d jsut give a new trick a try and spun it almost perfect first go. The trick being Hard Flips!! I was geting the pop, spin and flip really good. Just was getting my feet tangled up trying to get them back into the catch position. I was kinda catching them under the front foot but my back foot was too low. Gonna keep at them until I get them.

Also my kick flips are coming along better now. Nice pop and catching a lot more of them high. Still dont land them heaps, but kickys are something that have always plagued me, so stoked they are coming along


ooooh! hardflips! sickness!

looking forward to a fs pop shuv on video!


Next time we go skatin, I’ll try to film some shaka


I snapped my board for the first time ever yesterday, that was pretty awesome. Luckily it was just a knock-around board so no biggy smile

xnonymous - 28 July 2012 02:08 PM

I snapped my board for the first time ever yesterday, that was pretty awesome. Luckily it was just a knock-around board so no biggy smile

haha , how did that happen?


I was just practising my ollie and when I landed, the tail just snapped. Would never have expected to snap any of my boards since I don’t do anything technical on them


Stoked on landing some big front shuvs up the big euro at Rampit last night as well as stomping a big kickflip to fakie on the big bank too rocker


Yeah K2 your progress sounds awesome man. Keep up the work.


I haven’t skated for about a week and a half due to injury and such (broken toe and hurt wrist in a splint), but I feel like I’ve progressed a bunch this week. I got my computer on some fast internet and downloaded over 200 skate podcasts, nearly watching them all this week. Seeing the style that the pros have and watching Levi brown suck his knees up for every trick, I feel like I can really progress when I get back. My goal is to learn 360 flips before September is over. I will be posting here often on how I have gotten better or worse after each session.


I’ve gotten close a few times to fakie tre flips, the board does the flip but I dont commit or its to the side somewhere. I have a hard time working on just one trick =P


That’s great progress Rocken smile I haven’t had the time to skate due to studies. Picking up my new board next Thursday though, so excited!


Rocken progress Rocken wink haha

Thats good. I cant tre to save my life, but come a lot closer with fakie tre flips. It is easier coming off the front rolling truck because it acts as a pivot point and gives the board more momentum.
Sounds like its just commitment. Once it has spun, just stomp those feet down on it!! Good luck!


Thanks bros! I gotta find time to skate tomorrow, I’m landing one or in gonna hurt myself :D


Thats the spirit haha