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Perisher 2012


Im here it’s epic


Jelly downer


Frame from Dylans drift to give you guys an idea what it was like this morning



cant see pic mate… not loading.


In Thredbo working !!!!!
In Perisher tomorrow.


what work were you doing in thredbo spaz?


Awesome 2 days, had so much fun, rode interceptor most of yesterday and ridge chair most of today mixing up outer limits trees and side saddle to rollercoaster loops. Then finished it off with some hectic cornice launching in a secret spot! New outerwear went well too in the lovely weather wink how was every one else’s time?


Argh so jealous, my tip that it would be shit conditions was well off. Envious is an understatement…


i believe your exact prediction was ‘dogshit’ LOL


Back to work after another great weekend at Perisher. Saturday was a little disappointing at first. The traffic was slow from Jindy to the car park and we quickly made our way over to Mt P in search of some fresh snow. Unfortunately by the time we got there it was a bit windblown or tracked out and the lift lines were building quickly.

I also felt I was riding pretty poorly (I really suck in choppy snow) which wasn’t helping the situation. We decided to leave Mt P and did a few of the runs on the way over to interceptor. This is where the day picked up. I spent most of the afternoon riding through the trees on interceptor having a great time. There was also no line at the middle lift bit which meant I got plenty of runs in. So overall the morning sucked but the afternoon was great.

We were up bright and early on Sunday for first tracks. Conditions were actually pretty good and we got lots of runs in of excellerator, yarandoo and outer limits. After a couple of runs on an empty Zalis we decided to head over to Guthega. It was absolutely amazing barely any lift lines and the groomers were fantastic and much to my surprise there was a load of untracked fresh snow out near Karls. I lapped bloody mary, schnaxl, karls, wombats, woodrun before I eventually looked at the time and realised I’d been riding non stop for 6hrs without a break. Begrudgingly I stopped for lunch and that was pretty much the end of me resulting in a food coma. When we finished lunch it had started to get busy and we were all pretty tired so we heading back to blue cow and up and down pleasant/pretty to the carpark and headed home.

Sunday would have to be up there for day of the season for me just for the pure amount of fun runs I got in with good snow conditions whilst somehow avoiding the crowds.


Awesome weekend riding and billy with nthn and his mate, im not much good a TRs so yous will just have to wait for either me to finish the vid or nthn to beat me to it.

Cant wait till the shred!!!!  shaka


Did a weekend with some mates which was good and bad.  Saturday was good, though i banged my knees on ice around 4:30.  But the biggest f up was sometime late in the day my left big toe started bruising (maybe it was the impromptu sprint races uphill we had) and was all purple when i took my sock off.

Sunday the weather was awesome, crowds seemed to be less (though the carpark said otherwise) and i could only get in one run before the ol knee and foot combo gave in.  Pretty upset but a bunch of ciders made me feel better, plus it’s just good to be at the snow.  Also, i’m headed back down next friday so all’s not lost!  Must remember to pack some lambswool…


Ok so another trip report from me, probably pretty monotonous for everyone else I guess.

Weekend started pretty well, I actually had a mate coming with me so I got to share the driving, left home with him driving and me in the passenger seat with my laptop and wireless on working away.  Gave that up about Canberra and took over the driving duties.  Dylan texted from the bottle in Jindy when we were in Cooma and asked what alcohol we would like,  a six pack of Jimmy and coke was understood but a 6 pack of Kilkenny was an unknown for him so we went for two sixers of jimmy and coke. 

Got into the campground, and set up the camper trailer, stormproofing it a bit with guy ropes and angling it into the wind which was howling WNW straight across the lake.  My mate and I sat in the camper pretty rugged up drinking while Dylan struggled with his swag outside.  Eventually taking pity on him we asked if he would like to join us in the camper, a decision I was later to regret.

Surprisingly we went to the Banjo for dinner only making it just in time before the kitchen shut.  We had been having a massively amusing time drinking in the camper and toying with the volume control on Dylans worksite boombox and my Blackberry playlist amongst other things and had lost track of time.  I don’t have a hugely impressive recollection from the rest of the night suffice to say that by the time we got back to the camper everyone was fairly well inebriated.

Dylan “repping “ Boardworld when we returned to Chateau Nthnbeachesguy later that night, don’t even ask me to explain why he is pants off sunnies on at midnight, he will have to explain that.

The next day my mate and Dylan had decided that a rhino had been raped in my bed, at least that’s what my snoring had sounded like to them apparently, after that interesting tidbit we grabbed a Gloria Jeans muddied milk and boiling water combo and some brekky and headed off to the hill.  Coming down to the bridge near the Thredbo River I would have gone up the arse of the car in front if I hadn’t been paying attention, the cops in their infinite wisdom had decided to set up an RBT at 7:20am immediately after the bridge.  Everyone predictably shits their pants when seeing the cops and jumps on the anchors, due to the lack of distance between being able to see them and where they were this was downright dangerous.  One of them decided I was a great candidate for testing upon seeing this and flagged me down.  Luckily despite the previous nights antics I was safely zero alcohol content.


Eventually parked at Smigs and set off up Tbar once again amongst the first dozen or so on the lifts.  The snow was pretty epic, not quite as much as the previous weekend but lighter and drier I thought.

Some of you will have seen this but it’s a great shot to get the point across about the snow, my mate putting it on rail.

We did quite a lot of tree runs at Smigs before heading over to Interceptor.  Unfortunately for Dylan he had the Drift setup on his goggles so no one filmed the rock jump he hit from side on, woulda looked big but the POV really doesn’t do it justice.  I think we did a couple of Interceptors and then headed over to Bluecow.  The park there was in disarray, really no other way to describe it, not groomed and a bit of a shambles so we passed on that and did Rollercoaster a couple of times.  On the way back to FV we made the discovery that the Pleasant Valley chair wasn’t running, even at 11am they were still setting it up.  We elected to walk to the top of Interceptor, it took about 15 mins but it was a hard hard 15 mins, my calves hurt and back hurt pretty bad by the time we got up the top.  Even still we beat everyone waiting for the chair. 

We headed into Leichardt for a while and lapped that a few times which was fun, and after a while I think we got tired and headed back to Smigs.  We had a late lunch about 2pm, that killed me, the soporific effect of food and the fact my nose had turned into a tap convinced me after a couple of runs that I was done.

Me hitting Leichardt with a back three (this one failed).

The fourth Jump in the line at Leichardt, we affectionately renamed it Lickarse Park

Dylan straight airing the 2nd or third


We got back to Jundy and I made an interesting combo of purchases, cold and flu tabs and more jimmy and coke.  Once back at the camper I washed one down with the other, decided maybe it was hayfever and had some zyrtec as well.  That night all of us were kinda wrecked and we didn’t get far.  Made it to the LJ for dinner and a couple of drinks and then an abortive look at the Banjo before going home.  I think we hit bed about 9:30, I slept till about midnight when I woke up with my nose running like a tap and feeling decidedly sick.  I had a few more cold and flu tabs and if not for Dylan and his chainsaw snoring would have had a decent sleep.

The next day I felt totally rooted, more tabs and soldiered on.  Packed everything up and headed up the hill regardless.  So glad I did, we had an awesome little cornice session in the morning, totally sucks how small you actually sent it when you see the footage compared to how it felt at the time.

Me off the cornice

Bottom of the cornice in the “pow”

Dylan off the cornice

After that we had fun couple of laps of the Columbia park for my mate who enjoys the smaller parks and then headed over to FV and Lickarse where I had perhaps the worst park lap in history barring the one where I broke myself some weeks ago now.


Dylan back 3 (GREAT SUCCESS)

Me fourth jump Lickarse

Headed home after lunch pretty spent and suddenly sick again, at work as I type this only marginally better, still was a highly enjoyable weekend.