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Drift HD Contest - Win a Drift HD Camera and Monopod


hopefully my video has worked ha ha,

1. I love the vid i have posted, its f&^king extreme lol, there is a part in the vid (00:38) with a motocross track down the side of a mountain on concrete steps, with a sheer drop just to the side… makes for some unbelievable footage! ha ha, i wish i could do that!

2. The reason why i need one of these bad boys is to catch some action on the slopes of Hotham Or Falls Creek while im shredding some powder on my board, try and get some footage of me cruzing through the Falls Creek village streets! (hopefully there is snow on the roads, or my board will get torn up!)

Cheers Dudes!

Matt Sammut



I love this video because to put it simply this is the shit we live for

I’d love this camera so I can capture some of the epic action from those bluebird days


This is my favorite video because it shows the versatility of the Drift HD in capturing first person view being an extreme sports person or a young kid having some fun.

I have 3 young boys that are always doing crazy cool kids stuff, on the TTR50, learning to surf, skating etc. I want to record these memories from their viewpoint, so I can relive them in High Definition for years to come. Not to mention its the best darn looking camera on the market!



You have to tell us why it is your favourite Drift HD video. What do you love about it?
This is one of my favourite drift videos because it shows the Drift camera used in a variety of sports. Awesome sports, sports that interest me, and make me want to get out there and have a go. It reminds me that I need to get out and film some of the things I do, even if I’ll never get footage as extreme or good as the footage in this video.

You also have to tell us why you want to win the Drift HD camera pack. Why do you need it?
I need the Drift HD so I can get more footage of me snowboarding, mountain bike riding and skating. It would also be awesome for the 3 month trip I have planned to Europe next year. Where I plan on hang gliding in the Alps, mountain bike riding, white water rafting, hopefully some spring/summer snowboarding and just getting a whole heap of footage from a trip that I might not get the opportunity/time to do again.



You have to tell us why it is your favourite Drift HD video. What do you love about it?

Because it has all my favorite things. Facials, Holidays, Snow Boarding and a Drift HD Camera or two.

You also have to tell us why you want to win the Drift HD camera pack. Why do you need it?

I live an active lifestyle I’m sick of thinking “I wish I had got that on camera” or that would have been a great shot if it was in HD.

Help me relive and share those moments in crystal clear HD video.


You have to tell us why it is your favourite Drift HD video. What do you love about it?

I love watching base jumping, when they dive of a cliff and then they use that suit to glide. It amazes me that they can fly so far from the cliff face. I also like how they are just so cool about jumping off a cliff and expecting to fly. I get an adrenalin rush just sitting here watching it. I couldnt imagine what it would be like to actually do in real life. this would be the ultimate action sport.

You also have to tell us why you want to win the Drift HD camera pack. Why do you need it?

I want to win the drift HD because im not really happy with the helmet cam I have at the moment. The drift hd seems to be more compact and designed to fit along side goggles or a helmet which is what I would primarily use it for. who knows maybe i will make my own cliff dive video on it paragliding of course because base jumping just looks scary!



this BMX vid is without a doubt my favourtie video shot with a Drift HD Camera, it such a flow video, the riders and sick and smooth, the music is like perfect and the whole vid is so mellow and chilled out but at the same time the riders are actually dialin some pretty sweet stuff! I know this is Boardworld and I dont even ride BMX but this I just love this video!

Why I need a Drift HD Camera? well last year (2011) right at the end of the season, I had been savin my pennies and I managed to grab a brand new Canon Ixus digital camera! It was my pride and joy if you know what I’m sayin haha sick camera, was snappin and videoing everything I could! I went on holidays up the coast with it in summer, countless boat trips, it was my new years camera (wild night mate) and I even took it too Malaysia and Cambodia in early 2012. My point is that I took extremely good care of the thing (as I do with all my stuff), so anyway, this was lined up to be my camera for the 2012 season, shoot some awesome vids and take some rad pictues of what was set to be a sick season! SO. One night, my mate came round to mine for just a bit of a chill session and I started to show him some pictures from Cambodia on my camera, and this dude is like that mate we all have that always scabs off ya, and is just generally stingy haha so anyway, he begged me to give it to him for this party on the weekend, and I foolishly gave it to him, thinking, you know why not ay this dude has payed for taxis and food tonight, I owe him one! haha so yeah, I never saw that camera again, he got it stolen.
And so that meant no sick 2012 winter shots for me, I was gutted! The dudes an asshole haha
and thats why I need a Drift HD Camera, they look bloody perfect for doin that kinda stuff! Anyway, thanks for reading


You have to tell us why it is your favourite Drift HD video. What do you love about it?

I love the Drift HD part at the start of this video because it shows a view of American Football that is rarely seen. It shows just how much the quarterback is looking around before the very start of a play. It was also filmed by my sister on her first ever use of her Drift HD.

You also have to tell us why you want to win the Drift HD camera pack. Why do you need it?

I need it because the only camera that I currently own is an old Sony Cybershot 5 megapixel digital camera that cost me $800. I don’t it even works anymore. If I won the Drift HD it would give me a chance to discover my creative side again and make some hopefully great videos.


Loving some of the entries that you are all putting together! Keep them coming as its almost time to choose a winner!



What do i love about the video? Video’s these days aren’t all about the millions spent on the camera equipment, the dreamspot location backdrop or the big dollar post production budgets, its just about filming the mad times and re-living them and being able to share them easily with the world. This video was shot on DRC_13’s drift HD and it shows mates having a mad time, loving life and having a dig at the sport they love.

Why do i need a Drift HD pack? Simple because im left out in the group!!! All the boys are sporting DRIFT HD cams now im missing out. With Summer rolling around now im hanging to get out on the Wakeboard and catch some Footage, i dont even own a video camera, let alone one that will cop a beating with my stupid hobbies of Wakeboarding, Snowboarding, Moto Riding and even car racing/club cruises. I have missed out on plenty of treasured memories already and dont want to miss out on capturing anymore

4ce_full - 29 August 2012 11:41 AM

or the big dollar post production budgets

Welcome back stranger!

Thanks for the reminder the bill’s in the mail!


Favorite drift video and why?

I decided to post a video that was shot by one of our very own BW members Drc13 using a drift HD on his 2011/2012 trip to Hakuba in Japan. I really like the video as it opens on a beautiful scenic river in Japan covered in snow, and you can see chunky snowflakes falling heavily from the sky.. Reminds me of when I was in Hakuba in early 2011!! <3 There’s also some really cool footage of the snow monkeys which are really fun to watch LOL This video just makes me happy grin

You also have to tell us why you want to win the Drift HD camera pack. Why do you need it?
I really would like to win this for the missus as she is super Jelly of my camera (also a drift), and well, you can never have too many toys!! LOL

Cheers shaka


Great entries!!! Today it will be coming to an end and itle be my hard task to pick out the best one!

To celebrate it being friday I have just put up an extra Merch pack for grabs via Facebook, So if you would like some free stuff head to which is our competition app.

antisense - 30 August 2012 04:34 AM

I decided to post a video that was shot by one of our very own BW members Drc13

Naww brings back great memories, I can’t wait for Japan 2013!!

Good to see some of my videos being put to good use smile

If drift is feeling generous I’ll happily take another one for the sales job I seemed to have aquired in lift lines this season whenever the drift is mounted to my helmet!


I apologise if this video doesn’t load I haven’t uploaded one before.

You have to tell us why it is your favourite Drift HD video. What do you love about it?
I love everything about Whistler Blackcomb, the terrain, weather, people, and the village. This video has some awesome POV footage, as well as monopod footage which to me shows the versatility of the Drift. It allows you to use it all over the mountain without having to use a waterproof case.

You also have to tell us why you want to win the Drift HD camera pack. Why do you need it?
I’m not a pro snowboarder by any means but I would love to make some videos with my mates around the mountain. I’ve looked at the features on the Drift HD and the built in LCD screen would definitely come in handy.