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A Loose Alliance Pirate Day 2012


And his prize has been sacrificed to a good cause! (after it was rescued out of mum garden bed!)


Can’t believe I dropped it! :(

Aww well, Dylan can use it and I can get it back at the shred smile Yeeewwww!


haha is this for that riders challenge that is floating around?


Thats the one grin


So bummed I missed this. I am in for sure next season! Happy to support with some prizes as well.

CRACKERS - 19 August 2012 02:49 PM

Just got home….I am stuffed. snow was pretty crazy. there was 10cm on the ground at our accom in Adamindaby.

bit of a preview in Selwyns snow report from sat

That’s sick! So great to see the resort get behind it. Well done mate! shaka

rider26 - 21 August 2012 05:54 AM

So bummed I missed this. I am in for sure next season! Happy to support with some prizes as well.


Lets just say that some of the boxes at Selwyn now are sponsored by boardworld lol. A little sneaky sticker placement while I was setting up the park haha

I’ll bring you some pirate ts down to the shred to give out as well if I can come. Although I don’t have anything besides XL left. I ended up selling 50+ of the things which I wasn’t expecting.

Thanks Jez

I’ll let you know earlier next year so you don’t book something on the date grin, although TJ did a fine job of repping BW.

Me at 930pm to TJ standing in the pub with Freddy- ’ TJ- open your eyes and tell me what time courtesy bus you want to get from the pub to the accom’

TJ- ‘mmaaaaaaan I am F#$#$ked put me on one now’


Hahahahahahaha LOL

And great work with the stickers and BW repping! shaka


I just saw CRACKERS’ pirate group pic on Facebook. Wicked!!!


Yeah it looked like a wicked day cool smile


Third year in a row of epic pirate times. So fun!

That is me waving a parrot in the background behind Jeremiah at the start of that snow report. I also got a shifty in it…maybe that was sunday’s one though, which freddy also got a boardslide in.

Will be devo to be away and miss next years one!

Thanks again to crackers for all his organising….and to TJ for being the lone BW member besides me and crackers to turn up! Should have some photos and vids up in the next few days…still not home, yet!


Did blindboy really hit the front valley jumps? he is crazy, I heard they are massive now and he hasn’t ridden for years let alone hit jumps even close to that size?


he hit the top one, yes….and he was perfectly in control and made the landing beyond easily. Didn’t even look slightly sketchy. Then he did it once more just for good measure. He has been ripping the last few days!


Who is blindboy? Freddy or Cam?


Cameron is the artist formerly known as blindboy….his vision used to be so bad that he had to wear prescription goggles in the surf. He has since had laser surgery but he’s still blindboy to lots of us.

Freddy also hit the first and 2nd jump in FV.