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Perisher 2012


Seriously TJ? This weekend will be my 5th in a row, means I will have caught up all the weekends I missed after fracturing my vertebrae. If not for financial reasons perhaps a nice cup of cement is in order?

nthnbeachesguy - 20 August 2012 10:23 PM

If not for financial reasons perhaps a nice cup of cement is in order?

I think it’s just sorting the men from the boy’s (or girls in Lanox’s case)

drc13 - 20 August 2012 10:29 PM
nthnbeachesguy - 20 August 2012 10:23 PM

If not for financial reasons perhaps a nice cup of cement is in order?

I think it’s just sorting the men from the boy’s (or girls in Lanox’s case)

Hey you must be confusing me with NTHN he is the one who had a girls weekend raspberry…..  I think i am doing fine 2 years in a row japan + shred + next week i am going to go 100%.....  so i think i am doing just fine.

Nthn make sure you go next week lol ....

nthnbeachesguy - 20 August 2012 10:23 PM

If not for financial reasons perhaps a nice cup of cement is in order?

Hell yes!!!

I kinda get burnt out after 3 weekends in a row.

But 2 is nothing! Get on it TJ!


I’m out after this weekend probably till till the 13th of September.  Next weekend I’m moving into my new place which is something I hate but obviously a necessity then the following weekend I might have to go to a bday.  That next week though I’m looking at 4 days straight from the 13th to the 16th, is that the shred week?


Yep thats the shred weekend!

lanox - 20 August 2012 10:50 PM

so i think i am doing just fine.

Gees is this the boss typing? One of the best Aussie seasons in years and you haven’t done a single day yet! there’s nothing “fine” about that! raspberry

drc13 - 21 August 2012 12:20 AM
lanox - 20 August 2012 10:50 PM

so i think i am doing just fine.

Gees is this the boss typing? One of the best Aussie seasons in years and you haven’t done a single day yet! there’s nothing “fine” about that! raspberry

Well to tell you the truth i had few chances to go but there was no1 to go with and my mates are not so much in to snow.
To top it all off i really wanted to go last few weeks but i seem to have something on every week.

ah what can you do.

lanox - 21 August 2012 12:31 AM

Well to tell you the truth i had few chances to go but there was no1 to go with and my mates are not so much in to snow.

ah what can you do.

Would definitely recommend heading down by yourself. I love riding with the group but some of my best times have just been cruising the mountain and trying new things all by myself. That way you’re not slowed down by/or slowing down anyone else and you can set your own schedule i.e I pretty much don’t stop all day.

drc13 - 21 August 2012 12:43 AM
lanox - 21 August 2012 12:31 AM

Well to tell you the truth i had few chances to go but there was no1 to go with and my mates are not so much in to snow.

ah what can you do.

Would definitely recommend heading down by yourself. I love riding with the group but some of my best times have just been cruising the mountain and trying new things all by myself. That way you’re not slowed down by/or slowing down anyone else and you can set your own schedule i.e I pretty much don’t stop all day.

That is very true Dave.

It’s the drive that would kill me the most.

drc13 - 21 August 2012 12:43 AM

Would definitely recommend heading down by yourself. I love riding with the group but some of my best times have just been cruising the mountain and trying new things all by myself. That way you’re not slowed down by/or slowing down anyone else and you can set your own schedule i.e I pretty much don’t stop all day.

THIS. All of it.

Because I’ve been sick this year, and majorly unfit regardless, i have just been riding by myself or with the kid - so I’m not holding anybody up. I’m good as long as I’ve got my tunes to keep me company.

drc13 - 21 August 2012 12:43 AM
lanox - 21 August 2012 12:31 AM

Well to tell you the truth i had few chances to go but there was no1 to go with and my mates are not so much in to snow.

ah what can you do.

Would definitely recommend heading down by yourself. I love riding with the group but some of my best times have just been cruising the mountain and trying new things all by myself. That way you’re not slowed down by/or slowing down anyone else and you can set your own schedule i.e I pretty much don’t stop all day.

I have done it by myself almost every trip.

occasionally I have had Dylan in the car to Canberra. (no use there as he is usually asleep before east jindy!)

Having TJ on Sunday was the first time i have ever shared the driving this season. 

And I do an 8 - 5.30 day (minimum) both days and don’t get home till 1am. You don’t have to make it that hard on yourself!

drc13 - 20 August 2012 10:29 PM
nthnbeachesguy - 20 August 2012 10:23 PM

If not for financial reasons perhaps a nice cup of cement is in order?

I think it’s just sorting the men from the boy’s (or girls in Lanox’s case)

Haha after the response below it seems that you were right wink

Rider I think we need some form of BW concrete!

Oh thats right you haven’t been down either!!!


The drive is bad but the fun factor outweighs it IMO.  Only one time in the past 4 trips have I shared the driving, looking forward to being able to do that this weekend.  When I lived in Melbs and was doing day trips to Buller I was by myself 90% of the time when I rode, I’m still very much used to it.  I do like riding with others who are better than or close in riding level as I tend to push myself a bit which I find is way better for progression than anything else.


oh god i feel like i been told offfff here lol ...

yes yes when you put it that way you all are right, except drc and putting me in girls category. That is just plain stupid.