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Grab for Swag Contest 2012


Haha, Should I bring my DSLR and you can take photos with that?


bring whatever you like!

there will be numerous gopros and few dslrs, I think!

cords - 14 August 2012 03:23 AM

bring whatever you like!

there will be numerous gopros and few dslrs, I think!

In that case, I’ll just ride and let other film / photo


Alright. As I always say though, if you aren’t prepared to film or take photos yourself, you can’t be too disappointed with what others manage or do not manage to capture!


Yea, though it’s Pirate day, I’ll probably end up sitting on my ass drinking some beers for a good portion of it raspberry


yeah no worries! I’m sure you wouldn’t be one of them but have had people before complaining about what footage they did or didn’t get….or how much was filmed of them….or how much of their riding did or didn’t make it into movies, when those people haven’t offered once to film anyone else!


I completly forgot about this contest, i had high hopes and dreams to attempt and then capture a squirrel whilst on my falls trip!
Oh well, was phone camera captured tweaking a method off a shrub hit instead for a STRAIGHT AIR GRAB OF CHOICE Ill have to remember to do this comp proper when i head up next

cords - 14 August 2012 04:06 AM

yeah no worries! I’m sure you wouldn’t be one of them but have had people before complaining about what footage they did or didn’t get….or how much was filmed of them….or how much of their riding did or didn’t make it into movies, when those people haven’t offered once to film anyone else!

If I’m chillin, I’ll be happy to help film or photo shoot.

Not too fussed if I get in the video or not, but this triple flying squirrel sounds like fun!


off topic: Trent of the radical pants - how do you like your evil twin? I’ve said this before but I have a feeling it is actually my dream board…but my Nitro is too new and I am too poor to be getting one and finding out for myself, any time soon! So in the mean time I’d like to hear how others like theirs!


p.s. nice shot!

cords - 14 August 2012 05:39 AM

off topic: Trent of the radical pants - how do you like your evil twin? I’ve said this before but I have a feeling it is actually my dream board…but my Nitro is too new and I am too poor to be getting one and finding out for myself, any time soon! So in the mean time I’d like to hear how others like theirs!

I really like it, it allows me to do everything that i hoped it would.
My only issue is that its a bit stiffer than i expected.
The TBT is a little odd at first but takes all of about 5 minutes to get used too, not like the days and days of riding some idiots on the net proclaim
Overall i give it a 8.8 out of 10 dirty merkins


Good to see the first couple of entries in this contest. Big prizes guys, get amongst it! cool grin


I almost drunkenly bought an Evil Twin on sat night.

Every website we checked had sold out… luckily!


I thought you were broke??

If not come ride this weekend!! Gonna be epic!


i am, hence the “luckily” when i saw they were sold out!

But my mate was going to shout me…